First Performance

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AN: Welp, not an original chapter but the change in this will be exciting. Let's see how this will go, shall we? The outfit above is what she's wearing. 

Also, college is starting again next week for my second semester, but just like my first, I'd still try to update. (Though this time it's a three-day weekend instead of four but eh-)

With out of the way. Let's start!

Just to remind you:

"Hi!"= Talking in English

"Hi!"= Talking in Japanese

"Hi!"= Words on signs in English

"Hi!"= Words on signs in Japanese

Hi! = Narrator

Hi! = Flashback

'Hi!' = Thoughts

"Hi!" = Talking in flashback

"Hi!" = Talking on the phone

Hi! = Words on paper (unless it's at the beginning or end of the chapter /it had POV written beside it)

(Hi!) = Author-chan talking

Disclaimer: DCMK doesn't belong to me it belongs to the great Aoyama Gosho. I only own the story and the OC~

Narrator pov. At the park by the martial arts hall~

Irene was invited by the detective boys to play hide-and-seek and Genta just yelled out as he kicked the empty can away before saying to hide.

Irene ran off at the same time the real kids did before she found a good hiding spot up a tree.

She jumped up and latched onto the nearest branch before climbing the rest of the way until she could see everything but was hidden by the leaves, she saw Edogawa go and pick up the can before bumping into Mouri and Suzuki and talking.

When she saw the kids get out of their hiding places, she took that as her cue and jumped down, latching onto the branch nearest to the ground on her way down to soften her fall before landing safely and joining the others.

She reached them just when Genta assured Mouri that nothing would happen while he was there and the two girls left.

After that little conversation where Edogawa explained what the girls told him about the famous singer duo Two Mix performing here, the kids immediately got excited.

The three real kids decided to abandon the game and go see the performance so they all started walking to the martial arts hall.

And ended up bumping into a certain someone who was disguised as a guy at the moment.

But the disguise fell off enough for the kids to recognize her and Ayumi practically shouted her name before her mouth was covered.

However, it was too late as everyone around turned their attention to them as they heard Takayama Minami's name.

Takayama was able to trick the crowd by putting her disguise back on and laughing then speaking in a masculine way, inviting the kids to lunch just so they could get away from here.

She even made sure to walk weirdly which worked as the kids were pushed by her to go to a restaurant.

Irene just glanced once between Takayama and Edogawa before just looking ahead.

'The voice actor and the character both in the same place as different people... I wonder if the real Takayama-san had fun doing this...'  she thought to herself as Takayama said she'd treat them to lunch, an offer that Irene politely refused as she paid for herself. Well, as polite as she could sound with her limited Japanese anyway.

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