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404. Head Tower (2)

Preparations for the business trip went smoothly according to Seongjin's plan.

First the cost.

Fortunately, the Seonghoe gave Seongjin the budget he requested without any hesitation. Even though I paid quite generously because I thought I would get a discount.

-As an apostle of the Lord, I will spare no efforts in my power for Delcross. So, I believe that in the future, not only the Orthodox Church but also the other four Holy Knights will fully cooperate with the work of the monster task force. Because that is the will of the Lord.

It looks like the threats thrown at the crusade worked. Of course, rather than cooperating, it seemed like the intention was to wait and see how far that guy could go.

And personnel.

After sending all of the few members of the monster task force to Cyprus, there was no choice but to recruit new personnel centered on Lord Masain and the resident knights of the Jinju Palace.

"I want to go too."

What was surprising was that Owen suddenly decided to follow Seongjin.

"you? why?"

"There's nothing special to do, right? The portrait work is almost finished, so I don't have to go to the atelier regularly anymore. really! Mores. Can I take Bartoza with me?"

"Bartoza? "Who is that?"

"huh. He is a survivor of the Purma tribe, but unfortunately he was hated by the strongest tribe leader in Barsha. Contrary to his appearance, he is a timid guy and gets very anxious when I'm not around. "If you take him with you, he will probably do a great job as a porter."

Seongjin looked at his eldest son, who seemed to be at ease alone, with a disapproving expression.

Owen's long hair had already grown full of cormorant feathers. Even if they were kept in the ecliptic for various reasons, they would be antagonized by high-ranking priests and would be a perfect fit for pagans.

"Yeah, something like that."

Seongjin obediently gave permission. Rather than nagging him to dress up like a prince, it might be easier to take him with you.

Then this time Rep. Jibril also raised his hand.

"Can I go with you too? Lowering? You never know when someone might get injured, so it will definitely be of great help if I accompany you. "There are no conferences that I have to attend for a while."

"Well, it doesn't really matter."

Seongjin, who was about to give a positive answer, suddenly found ominous jars piled up in her place. Huge perfume jars, each emitting a strong and unique floral scent.

"... No way, Rep. Jibril. Are you planning on taking all those perfumes with you?"

"Yes, sir! I am a doctor who fights the plague. "I don't know how long I will be away from the imperial capital, so I plan to prepare for quarantine as thoroughly as possible!"

"ah! Now that I think about it again, I think one person should still stay in the office. "We also have to deal with epidemic reports coming in from all over the country."

"yes? No, you lower! Why?"

A large number of people were assembled, excluding Rep. Jibril, who was so shocked.

Except for the division and selection of the resident knights and the fact that Sir Kurt and Sir Maria argued with each other over who would follow Seongjin during the process, everything went smoothly.

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