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480. Departure (1)

Meanwhile, Romain, whose communication with Leonard had suddenly been cut off, stared blankly at the communication port.

"... "Leo?"

It seemed like he was walking around alone with such vigor, but I guess there was some kind of accident?


But I wasn't particularly worried about Leonard's safety. Romaine was the one who plastered all kinds of self-defense codes all over his body, but wasn't he himself?

There are probably not many people on this continent who could directly threaten Leonard's life.

'okay. Unless the Holy Emperor himself comes forward, or a powerful being at the level of a high-ranking demon king... ... .'

But they don't really have any reason to harm Leonard.

Romaine, whose thoughts had gone up to that point, put his mind at ease and grabbed the communication port. What was important to him now was not Prince Leonard, but the whereabouts of the Cypriot Tower and its 'controller'.

'The storyteller, Sigurd Sigurdsson, does not deal with code as directly as I do.'

Roman thought, looking up at the now empty hill where the tower once stood.

The storyteller probably also has a rough understanding of how the tower works and how to control it. Since he had once treated himself as a puppet, it was not unexpected that that level of knowledge would flow to the station.

However, to properly activate the codes that lost their functionality long ago, more detailed tuning and supplementation by experts are required.

'That's probably too much for a storyteller. Perhaps, rather than controlling the head tower, the purpose may have been greater to intercept it before it gets into my hands.'

But there was something that didn't seem right to me when I just thought about it that way.

If he had found the controller first, would there have been a need to completely destroy the head tower like this?

Isn't this an extremely crude action for Sigurd Sigurdsson, who values ​​methodological 'aesthetics'?

'... This is definitely strange. Did something go wrong with the thing taking over the doll's body?'

If so, it's not a bad thing. Now, in this world, only you can fully understand and control the code of the normal world. A confidence that I had never felt before rose within me.

'ruler. Look, senior. This ability that you said was not the least bit interesting has now become such an important power.'

Romain slowly walked towards the Port of Cyprus, bragging to someone who could no longer hear.

"You're here."

When Romain arrives at the port, an old man with a pipe greets him. She was a shipowner who was willing to sell her fishing boat at the generous price offered by the stranger.

Although fishing has only recently resumed, there are some ship owners who have been unable to endure the gap. The old man was one of those people. He had already let go of the sailors under him and was now managing the ship alone.

"Did you bring the money?"

"Here it is. I'll give you an additional fee when you reach your destination."

But when Romain paid the balance, the captain's attitude suddenly changed.

"As I said before, it will take a considerable amount of time to reach the archipelago on this ship."

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