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457. Kaya's Breath (6)

visor! Whip! visor!

In the blink of an eye, several battles went back and forth. The speed was so fast that No. 21 could not trace the sword's trajectory with his eyes.

'... 'Double swordsmanship?'

I just barely caught the assassin's weapon in the midst of the storm of movement. If the author had rushed in this direction first, No. 21 would probably have been unable to respond properly and would have given up a vital point in vain.

'He's not someone I can do anything about.'

Prince Mores also seemed to have judged that way.

"No. 21, step back!"

Number 21 obediently backed away.

Just sensing the sharp energy that these two people give off is enough to make your skin feel numb. With the tension stretched to its limit, he couldn't even predict who his hasty movement would harm.


At that time, the prince and the assassin, who clashed their swords violently, were pushed straight to both ends of the room without resisting the recoil.

"... ... ."

Unable to inflict any significant damage to the other, the two glared at each other in silence instead of clashing again. It looks like they are taking a moment to catch their breath and explore each other.

And only then was No. 21 able to fully see the attacker's appearance for the first time.

The opponent was a woman holding a short sword in both hands. Beneath the sculptural, expressionless face and the assassin's distinctive black stealth suit, the outline of a well-trained, sleek body is visible.

Aura activity isn't that strong, but maybe what you see isn't everything. Rather, it can be said that they have become better at hiding their auras. Even No. 21, who called himself an elite agent, felt that his presence was blurred even when he had the opponent right in front of him.

Auror concealment ability is top notch. It would be safe to deal with him assuming that he is close to the level of Dekaron Knight, who is said to be the most ideal assassin.

No. 21, who figured out that much, was once again amazed at the prince who countered that woman's attack without any hesitation.

'But it's strange. You look so seasoned for your age.'

okay. Considering the prayers and atmosphere they give off, they feel like they are legendary seniors who were given initial numbers.

On the other hand, the woman's face looked excessively young. No matter how you maintain your youth through Auror training, what does it mean to have that smooth face without a single scar? Even if you wash your eyes and look, you won't see anyone who has crossed countless firing lines and gained practical experience.

'How can they do that?'

Prince Mores also seemed to have noticed the sense of discomfort the assassin was giving off.

"that's interesting. "He seems to be very skilled at using auras, but compared to that, the layer of auras accumulated in his body is relatively poor."

"... ... ."

"I don't think they eliminated the intact Aurors like Director Bruno did. "What on earth are you doing?"

The prince's bright gray eyes stare intently into the assassin's face. Occasionally, there seemed to be a strange red light hovering in the center of the pupil.

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