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410. Head Tower (8)

Originally, the Holy Empire's punitive force should have been out to the distant ocean by now. As soon as we arrived in Cyprus, we were scheduled to join the navy there and set sail immediately.

But for a moment, I was anxious about not being able to send a punitive force right away...

Unlike the first day, the council members began to continue to delay departure. The reason was that serious safety concerns were raised regarding the secret weapon, [Ancient Fire], which was scheduled to be the center of the operation.

First of all, the ships owned by the Cyprus Navy are made entirely of wood, and there are no suitable islands in the distant ocean to which they can urgently take refuge.

However, let's say one of the ships catches fire due to poor management. Due to the nature of the [ancient fire] that spreads rapidly even on the water, it was obvious that other ships around would also be caught up in the fire.

It would not be enough to drown the large army that had been amassed in the deep sea; if one made a mistake, one would also lose the precious prince and princess of the Holy Imperial Family.

If this actually happens, let alone the loss of the Navy itself, there will never again be a diplomatic problem as serious as this.

"General Lysander. "Isn't the problem itself of leading the Navy and using chemical attacks that spread easily in water in the first place?"

Logan asked, trying to suppress his nervousness. Even at this moment, when the council's debate continues sluggishly, the suffering of Cypriot citizens and Ortona refugees continues to grow day by day.

Then, Lysander, who was asked the question, responded with a slightly confused look.

"Other than that, there is no other effective way to deal with the sea monsters, sir."

Lysander of Helios.

He was the commander-in-chief of the Cyprus Navy, and was a veteran with experience of encountering and subduing sea monsters several times.

"I can tell you that their skin is tougher than that of any other whale in the world, and their fins that scuff the gunwales are enough to sink a fishing boat with a single blow. "It's impossible to inflict proper damage with just spears and harpoons."

"... ... ."

"Fortunately, they are more vulnerable to fire than our military ships."

But there was another reason why Logan was really impatient. In his view, the controversy over this [ancient fire] is only superficial.

Logan's impressions from observing all of the council meetings so far were as follows.

'It looks good. So, it was very unsightly for them to take possession of the ancient method of making fire and set it up on their own.'

'So what are you going to do? A fight between factions that show off their guts by saying, 'Are you saying you won't use our secret weapon now?'

And now the debate is slowly turning into 'For safety's sake, share ancient fire recipes with the world!' Or give us something instead.

'Who are you forcing this on now? If the activities at the top end decline and the fishing industry stops, who do you think will dry out and die first? uh?' It is showing signs of turning into a confrontation between factions.

This was a problem that resulted from the unique nature of Cyprus as a 'confederation of cities' united solely for profit, rather than as a unified country.

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