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485. Departure (6)

Perhaps the beginning was the sister of Grand Duke Assein, who had just married into Cyprus.

-Have you ever heard of the 'reserve'?

-A reserve? What is that, ma'am?

To Cruse's question, the young wife answered with her beautiful eyes sparkling like stars.

- He is said to be the true ruler that God has prepared for the new era. He will come like a comet, cutting through the darkness, uniting the divided religious groups and leading us to the new truth. All things in the world will kneel at his feet, and true harmony and peace will be found under his rule.

-... ... .

At first I thought, what the heck is this?

But soon after, his wife introduced him to a man named Galen, and his wife's preconceived notions that he was a fanatic with bad taste melted away the moment they first met.

- It is impossible for all the conflicts in the world to disappear at once. However, we can solve the problems that are piling up before us one by one based on reason and wisdom.

The Galenus whom Cruses met was an extremely rational and wise man. His voice never rose, and his carefully spoken words were always imbued with the providence of the world.

- Our earnest desire for the 'prepared' is not simply due to our weakness in seeking salvation. Rather, it comes from our deep trust in the infinite potential of human beings. All of these things are nothing more than an effort to find a strong center that can unite human faith and will.

-Trust in humans?

- Yes, Helios' Chryses. We must not be mistaken. The power of the 'reserve' is our own power, and the mercy he shows is the sum total of good will in each of our hearts. What we wait for him for is ultimately to draw out our potential to the fullest and create a true utopia.

Ah, perhaps that is what a true fanatic looks like. A prophet with unwavering faith in his eyes and calm words guiding everyone.

Cruses soon became deeply attracted to his knowledge and character. Naturally, he also became very interested in the 'prepared ones' he spoke of.

So, he entrusted his firstborn son, born the following year, to Galen without any doubt, hoping that his son would become a kind of key to rule over all the world.


-I'm sorry, but this child is not enough.

Despite a series of rigorous training courses, Ambrose ultimately failed to meet the criteria for what Galen calls a "prepared man."

Of course, Cruz was disappointed, but his wife, who had high expectations for her son, was also very disappointed.

- It's over now! The 'prepared one' will probably be born in the Principality of Asain. My brother is a meticulous person who can prepare all conditions without any gaps. In the end, he, who is greedy, will take over everything in this world!

Cruse's misfortunes did not end there, for not long afterwards the bitter retaliation of Grand Duke Assein returned.

Helios began to decline economically, and Chryses found himself on the defensive to the point where even his membership in the council was in jeopardy.

But at that time, a helping hand came from an unexpected place. It was Richelieu, the Brittany ambassador who happened to be visiting the Council of Cyprus.

Richelieu was a strange man who always wore a half-mask, but despite his suspicious appearance, he was able to win the hearts of the council members with surprising ease.

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