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436. Secretary of the Immortal (9)

That day, the short conversation with Katrina had great implications for Masain.

'Am I a moron! You're afraid of hurting my Majesty's feelings, so you have the ridiculous idea of ​​completely abandoning your mission! 'What a meaningless worry this was!'

Staying by his side even though it may be a little awkward, and leaving far away to an unseen place. It is obvious which one will cause greater harm to the child.

Even so, the high-ranking priests' gaze toward Mores has become increasingly sinister recently. Therefore, at a time like this, Masain had to be a strong dam by Mores' side to block the waves. Just as Katrina steadfastly maintained her position even after making the terrible mistake of handing poison to the Holy Emperor.

Of course, I didn't dare expect to be like Katrina. He simply provides a little bit of strength to Mores when he needs him. That was all Masain wanted.

'For that to happen, I'll have to become stronger than I am now!'

Taking advantage of the slack in guard duty, Masain accelerated his training even more.

In order to calm down my shaky mind and not be distracted by miscellaneous thoughts-

Also, he hoped that the stronger his power would become, the more he would be able to find some peace of mind in the face of the demon species' curse.

'Of course, it is still difficult to completely hide the fear of the Red Curse. If so, it would be a good idea to prepare in advance so that you can reflexively help Haepo, at least when a crisis arises!'

So I started practicing booming in my spare time. If it were the most frequent crisis situation that Mores would face, nothing else would come to mind other than a fall accident.

"... "Masain, what kind of useless thing are you doing?"

As I was repeating the practice of throwing and catching training sand bags in the air, Francis, who happened to be passing by, clicked his tongue and asked.

He was a classmate of Masain's Academy and had recently joined the Knights of St. Aurelion, so he was often seen in the imperial palace.

"Even at the academy, you only chose the most foolish and ineffective training, but this time, what kind of ridiculous training are you doing on your own?"

"I'm practicing booming."

Although he was scolded quite rudely, Masain responded without hesitation. Francis did that for a day or two. Even when Masain had the right to succeed to the throne, his arrogance was beyond description.

"It just so happened that the training sandbags were exactly the same as Maures's weight. So, I'm going to practice taking the fall until I can move my body reflexively without thinking."

"... what?"

After hearing the absurd answer, Francis' eyes widened in an unusual way. Then he immediately snorted loudly.

"wait for a sec. I don't know what that boom is, but what's the use of getting used to the weight of sandbags? Prince Mores will continue to grow up anyway, right? "You can double your weight very quickly."

"Is that so?"

Masaine, caught off guard, looked back at Francis with a shocked expression. His eyes, which had been shaking aimlessly, soon hardened with the intense light of enlightenment.


At that time, Francis thought that Masain would realize his foolishness and quit training right away.

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