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465. Remarks (5)

Priest Gustav listened to me! Instead of cruelly abandoning the orphans, you tried to take appropriate action! All the efforts I have made so far have not been in vain!

"You met the priest, right? Since when... ... !"

As I approached the boy with a bright smile, he lifted his finger and lightly touched it to his mouth.

Thanks to this, Dasha came to her senses and hurriedly covered her mouth with both hands.

"... town!"

"There's no sign of anything around yet, but it's still a good idea to be careful about making loud noises."

Dasha nodded quickly, cupping her mouth.

"The client is, as you guessed, Priest Gustav. "It is said that since he had absolutely no time to spare during his shift, he came to the mercenary guild as soon as his shift ended."

As if he had guessed Dasha's questions, the boy kindly explained the details.

"So, before the guild takes over the case, I came here to conduct a preliminary investigation."

"Preliminary investigation?"


In fact, it is said that Father Gustav continued to doubt Dasha's accusation.

It must have been very embarrassing for him as well. I'm worried about the safety of the orphans if I just ignore it, and I can't report it to the central church based on my suspicions without solid evidence.

In the end, after thinking about it, he felt angry and sent an investigation request to the guild. However, he also did not know the exact charges of the abbot or the scope of the investigation, and the deposit that a low-ranking priest could pay was not that much.

That's why the boy, a new mercenary, came forward for a preliminary investigation. If it is a request that the guild has room to rush into, then reorganize the staff so that a formal contract can be made.

"no... ... ."

Dasha looked in disbelief at the boy who gave off a mysterious aura.

'That person is a new mercenary?'

okay. If you think about it, it was natural. He was still a slim boy, and he looked somewhat sickly for someone who worked as a mercenary.

But it's really strange. Why did I feel a sense of relief the moment I first saw him that all my problems would now be solved?

"In any case, the faster and more accurate the preliminary investigation, the faster the guild's intervention will be. So now we need the help of an internal facilitator."

The boy who said that smiled softly at Dasha.

"So would you please help me save some time?"


Dasha was momentarily taken aback by the unexpected request.

"Um, that's... Actually, I don't know much about it... ... ."

But as I looked at the gray eyes that were calmly staring at her, the thoughts that had been stuck inside came out easily and came out.

When she came to her senses, she found herself confiding in detail what had happened to the boy.

Children disappearing every day. A suspicious guest who came to visit the abbot. And he sneaked into the director's office every night and tried to find evidence of corruption, etc.

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