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425. Transaction (3)

"Ugh... ... ."

Bartoza opened his bleary eyes and looked around.

As soon as my mind became a little clearer, the pain was so intense that I felt like passing out. But he could sense that if he gave up like this, his life would really be dead.

'I am... okay. I fell off a cliff... ... .'

It was dark around here, so I thought it was night. But when I look up, I can see distant cliffs and blue sky between tall conifers.

'I was lucky.'

No matter how much he protected himself with the tribe's vision, he was so high that it was surprising how he was still alive.

Looking around, I see the ruins of a wrecked carriage and the horribly mangled corpses of horses underneath. Naturally, my thoughts turned to the woman I had fallen with.

'... What happened to that scary woman? 'Is she dead?

Seeing as how calm my son-in-law is, it may be so. Although the appearance has become ridiculous, it seems that he has unintentionally escaped the fierce pursuit.

"Off... ... ."

Bartóza wriggled his limbs and tried to raise himself. But he soon lay back down, screaming from the new pain that surged like a tidal wave.


I didn't realize it because there was no part of my body that didn't hurt, but when I looked closely, I saw that my left arm was completely broken and bent. Fortunately, she seemed to have escaped amputation, but her two bloody legs were clearly not in good condition.

Even though his life was saved by saving his life, this is also like a flame in the wind.

'... 'I'd rather run away alone!'

Belated regret flooded me.

A symbol of the power of the Purma tribe. Tribal leader's weapon. If only it weren't for the greed to pull it all together!

As I rolled my eyes in dejection, the warhammer in question happened to be not far from him.

Despite the impact of the fall, fortunately the weapon appeared to be intact, but the box it was placed in was completely shattered and some of its contents, such as clothes, were spilling out. The knot that Bartóza had carefully tied was also completely broken.

'... huh?'

But then something strange caught Bartoza's eyes.

what? Why is there so much blood on the box? And what is sticking out from under the red-stained hem... ... .

'... hand?'

Bartóza blinked foolishly.

No, it can't be? There was only that scary woman in the carriage, and there was definitely no sign of anyone else.

But no matter how much you wash your eyes and look at them, those are clearly the hands of a pale, tired person!

'Could it be that the people of the empire don't offer ancestral rites to the dead? Instead of honoring the deceased with reverence, you put them in a box and carry them around like a piece of luggage?'

What kind of horrible people are these people who don't know manners!

But something really scary happened next. The hand that I thought was a dead body suddenly began to move slowly!


'... ... !'

And soon, before Bartoza's eyes, a terrible scene that he feared he would see again in his dreams began to unfold.

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