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439. Reunion (1)

As he confidently assured, Giacomo Milo had detailed knowledge of 'Dacian's secretary'.

"At first glance, it appears to be a very old book, but that is purely because it was stored incorrectly. "Judging by the quality of the paper and the way it was bound, the secretary must have been published less than 100 years ago."

However, the period in which Dacianus lived dates back almost to the reign of the four great emperors. So there is no way he could have written it himself.

"Dacianus is too famous and has a clear legacy to be dismissed as the author of such a strange secretary. "He who is prepared."

"... okay?"

It may be true that it is famous. I can't quite remember, but it was a name that even Seongjin, who had little common sense in this world, seemed to have heard of from somewhere.

"yes. So, either someone made it up to frame Dacian as a heretic, or it was a fraud by a forgery expert targeting foolish old book collectors."

Giacomo went so far as to criticize the entire Count Milo family as 'stupid old book collectors', but Seongjin still tilted his head with an incredulous expression.

That's because the content of the book was quite consistent for it to be considered moderately made up.

'Besides, this is Owen's quest item, right?'

If so, shouldn't it be seen as having its own value beyond that of a counterfeit product?

"You can't conclude from that alone that this book is fake, Giacomo. "It might just be a different author with the same name."

"... yes?"

"Or, in order to preserve Dacian's secretary, someone at a later date may have copied the contents into a new book."

Giacomo Milo then looked up at Seongjin foolishly for a moment, then urgently bowed his head as if he realized something.

"Oh, I see! It was so long ago that you may not know much about it. But at least there is no other author with the same name. After Dacian, no one would have dared to call themselves Dacian in private."


"Because that name became the name of a powerful noble family after Dacian's death."

What came out of Giacomo's mouth next was a name that Seongjin was familiar with.

"Dacianus is the progenitor of the Marquis of Daciano. "He who is prepared."


"yes. At the time, the arrogant Dacian established his family after himself. "Daciano is nothing more than the Ortona-like pronunciation of Dacian."

"... ... !"

At that moment, Seongjin clearly remembered where he had heard this familiar name.

One day, when he was drunk on medicinal tea and woke up in some flame level, didn't his father himself kindly explain it to him?

-The current Lord, Berseus, is not a pure-blooded lycanthrope. He is a distant descendant of Dacianus, a lycanthrope who was the ancestor of the Marquis of Daciano a long time ago.

Am I stupid?

why? Why did I only remember that important fact now?

Seongjin was in shock, but Giacomo, who did not notice this, continued his explanation.

"One more thing, there is no way that this seditious book is a manuscript of a work written by Dacian. As it is known to the public, he was a more devout worshiper of the main god than anyone else."

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