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477. Loser of the North (6)

It hasn't been that long since I got to know Logan properly.

However, in Seongjin's opinion, he was overly accustomed to carrying other people's burdens. Your past life must have been so different.

So sometimes, you have to have someone beside you to ask you what the problem is. Otherwise, that foolish bastard would willingly sink into the sea, carrying all the suffering of the world on his shoulders.

"Anyway, Seongjin Lee, how are your front feet? "It seemed like you were overdoing something."

So, seeing Logan looking much more relieved than before made me feel a little relieved.

"No, there's something a little strange about me calling you a paw... . "But I'll treat you first. Will you show me?"

Seongjin willingly put forward his front paw and received a share of divine power. And while enjoying the enormous amount of information provided by the dog's sense of smell, I felt the cool sea breeze for the first time in a long time.

'As expected, I think it was a good idea to postpone training and come take a look.'

It would have been nice to have talked to Logan a little more like that. However, Seongjin's concentration could no longer be maintained. This is because someone nearby called Seongjin.


When it seemed like I was waking up unusually late, it was Lord Masaine who came to the room in person.

"Get up now, sir. Everyone is waiting for the degradation."

"uh... ... ."

With that voice, the view of the peaceful port disappears, and the bedroom ceiling with its colorful canopy comes into clear view.

Seongjin rubbed his eyes with a disappointed look on his face.

'Oh my, I didn't even say I was going yet.'

I was worried about Logan, who must have been embarrassed by Max, who suddenly came to his senses(?).

Max seemed to want to show off his charms to Logan earlier. Anyway, I guess we should do it in moderation.

I wanted to say hello properly, but the accumulated fatigue made it difficult to fully concentrate on my subordinates again.

"... Okay, I have to get up now."

Seongjin stood up and stretched greatly.

'Well, I'm sure it will end well on its own. 'Logan is such a ghost that he can detect changes in presence.'

The reason Seongjin attempted to contact Max through connections within his family was because of a strange experience he had recently.

I can't remember now how it started. But at the time, Seongjin felt a strange sense of unity, as if he had become Max, and did what he had to do.

As if possessed by something, I dug into the ground and found something very important - unfortunately, I don't even remember what it was. And I handed it to Logan in a half-asleep state.

Only later, after I completely came to my senses, did I realize that it was a miraculous harmony that occurred through 'connection between clans.' Then naturally this curiosity followed.

'As I became more familiar with this connection method, I became able to exchange Auras with Max more easily. Then, wouldn't it be possible to practice in a similar way and induce that sense of unity myself?'

In the end, it was half a success. First of all, since there was no resistance from Max at all, Seongjin was able to move the wolfdog as freely as his own body. I was able to see the world through his eyes and obtain information using all of his senses.

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