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468. Remarks (8)

A vivid scene from the past that would have been impossible to observe was passing through the eyes of the boy, Nate.

The gravedigger's wife screams while hugging her son's body. A woman in black robes approaches her and whispers her sad words as if to comfort her.

The grandiose demon summoning ritual they carried out in the Primrose entertainment district, and the deaths of countless people caught up in it.

Yes, because of the woman right in front of me. That woman completely corrupted the soul of the poor mother who lost her child, causing her to accumulate heavy karma from which she could not be saved.


Nate slowly pulled out his old longsword.

Unfortunately, it was impossible to change the future, which was completely fixed. However, it would be possible for him now to at least condemn the culprit of this situation and that passionate subordinate.

"No way, you..." ... ?"

At that time, the woman seemed to realize something and muttered.

"Those mysterious eyes! Ah, you are the boy the archbishop was talking about! "Because he had a disadvantaged childhood, he imagined himself as a much smaller and weaker child."

In an instant, the atmosphere changed. The woman, who had erased the tension that had wrapped around her body, took a step towards her Nate, neatly adjusting the hem of her black robe.

"Let me formally introduce myself. My name is Taiara Hao, and I am the parish priest of Dunstan Territory. Could you please take away that sword? "Our devoted brothers are by no means your enemies."

"... ... ."

"I don't know if you believe it, but the Archbishop of Love has been saying for a long time that you would visit this place. And I have prepared quite a few things to welcome you as a brother."

It was an unpleasantly friendly demeanor.

When Nate frowned and raised his sword straight, Taia stopped and smiled awkwardly.

"I repeat, I am not your enemy. Just following the archbishop's wishes, I went back and forth from time to time at the orphanage, eagerly waiting for you to show up here. What do you think? "Did you like the gift I prepared for you?"

They were a tribe that would have been unpleasant to cut down with a single sword, but even Nate couldn't help but react to those words.

"... gift?"

"That's right, it's a gift prepared for you by the Archbishop himself."

"... ... ."

I thought it was just one of the evil things that devil worshipers do on a daily basis, but was there really another hidden story?

Nate concentrated his mind and looked at Taia carefully. Then, the strange journey of her life that she has been through so far quickly passes before her eyes.

The ability to fully insight into human life was the power of the oracle.

Meanwhile, she had just become bishop of Dunstan and had just welcomed a new archbishop.


Suddenly, there was a faint noise and Nate's vision became blurred. It was a sign that it was sensitive information that directly affected his future.

"... ... !"

Nate quickly looked away from the scene. It wasn't that difficult for him to just peel off that thin veil.

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