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408. Head Tower (6)

How much time has passed?

Clemens, who had been swaying slightly while standing, soon staggered to his feet and groaned.

"eww... ... ."

Muscles and joints that have become stiff from not moving for a long time are screaming. Nevertheless, amidst the dull pain, his mind became clearer.

The person who had been controlling Clemens until now suddenly released his mental control and left. [Planting], who had taken over his ownership, seemed to be not satisfied with something, so he left him unattended and disappeared somewhere.

Thanks to this, Clemens, who had regained his sanity for the first time in recent years, looked at the broken remains of the old man for a long time with empty eyes. Traces of a colleague who once secretly hid in the Inquisition and cried and laughed together while waiting for the great harvest.

"Brother... ... ."

Eventually, a cracked voice came out from the dry vocal cords.

"The [task] we had devoted so much time to was actually just an illusion created by someone... ... ."

A lot of information that I had been just accepting in a dazed mind, little by little, begins to be reorganized in my head, forming a clear meaning. And the conclusion drawn from it is a terrible truth that is difficult to accept with a sober mind.

Clemens' voice gradually began to tremble.

"... [Sowing], whom we had served with all our hearts, was also not the true incarnation of the main god. We have been deceived by them all this time! To those cruel forces of evil who pretend to be God!"

It was sad, and it was sad again.

Still, no more tears came out. Perhaps the few tears he shed at first were the last moisture left in Clemens' body.

"Brother. Now what should I do... ... ."

But there seemed to be no more time to be frustrated or to mourn a dead colleague.

The old man's body was completely destroyed by erosion. There are definitely still Magi left, so if he continues to stay here, Clemens may also meet the same fate.

Clemens, who had a sad expression for a moment, soon began to move his stiff joints and gradually leave the cave.


As I push my body forward with great difficulty, it rubs against the uneven floor, leaving deep wounds all over my body.

But the more difficult it was, strangely enough, the more clearly the desire for life burned.

'We must escape from the hands of the devil. If we do not quickly enter the imperial capital and into the grace of the Holy Emperor... ... .'

Moreover, in one corner of his messy memories, the voices of children whispering in his ear like a dream one day remained faintly.

-Go north and find [Repentance]. Then I will find you soon.

-Wow! This is too dangerous!

-be careful! If you make a mistake, you will be caught!

-Hurry and run away!

-Hurry quickly!

Who on earth were they?

Did the mind suppressed by strong control simply create a vain delusion?

Or did another incarnation of the main god extend a hand to him in place of Sobong, which was a false salvation?

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