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409. Head Tower (7)

As time passed day by day, the day arrived when Seongjin had to leave the imperial capital.

However, even though the morning of departure was bright, the air in Jinju Palace was as calm as usual.

'Is it because I went there once before? I feel like everyone is going to do that on this business trip.'

It seemed like Seongjin was the only one who felt strangely agitated, as if it was anticipation or anxiety. He thought, trying to ignore that uncomfortable feeling.

'okay. I'm not even visiting Oji, so what's the big deal? 'I'll finish it quickly and come back soon!'

Meanwhile, Seongjin had one more audience with Seonghwang. Of course, since there was a record, Seongjin tried his best to reassure Seonghwang during the conversation.

"Nothing will really happen this time. As I said before, I obtained some quality information about Giacomo Milo's hideout. "If we successfully infiltrate, it will be easy to apprehend him."


When Seonghwang pinpointed a word that bothered him, Seongjin was a little embarrassed and rolled his eyes.

"Uh, infiltration... Yeah, that means... ... ."

"... ... ."

"just... A little trick... Let's do the same thing, that's what it means! "Even if you blindly go looking for them with a bunch of knights, they won't just hand over Giacomo Milo's recruits."

Seongjin, who had said that far, closed his eyes tightly.

Err, I don't know. First of all, let's talk about it briefly!

Wouldn't it be better to say something in advance and get scolded rather than having an accident and getting caught later?

"All we can do is raid one of their small branch organizations. Of course, Lord Massaine won't allow it, so it's a bit of a problem for him to sneak out of the group and attempt Auror concealment. But how could it not work? "My informant Dasha will also follow."

"... ... ."

"This is nothing, father. What's more important is what comes next! Once I've captured Giacomo Milo, I'd like to visit some native northern nobles on my way back. "It seems like Branch Manager Schmidt is having a lot of trouble these days because they are interfering with our business in little ways."


Fortunately, Seonghwang no longer asked for a detailed explanation of the 'infiltration'. Instead, I tilted my head and asked:

"However, the northern indigenous forces are not so formidable. "I think your group is too small to put pressure on with all your might."

"hmm... ... ."

Seonghwang's point was valid.

The only members of the monster task force are Seongjin and Sir Robert.

Even if five or six more resident knights, including Sir Masaine and Commander Bruno, followed, it would be difficult to regard them as a proper military group.

If you think about it, there were fewer people than the first business trip with the Wolf Knights.

'But if you think about performing the duties of an exorcist, the number is excessive.'

We need to seize the opportunity to secretly infiltrate the lower level organization of the Penitent Church. So, for the prince's business trip, the number of people was reduced as much as possible.

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