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443. Reunion (5)

What is the product that people are skeptical about, but cannot pass up?

'It's a panacea!'

Just by taking it, it kills parasites, blocks electromagnetic waves, improves your skin, prevents hair loss, treats hemorrhoids, and even improves your stamina!

If you advertise just this much, eight out of ten people on the street will turn around.

'But what if it happens to be sold as an easy-to-eat tea?'

You may not know, but people here will be drinking panacea all day and night instead of medicinal tea for a while.

okay. If there is no way to clearly prove the harm of medicinal tea, shouldn't we just push it out of the market with a better product?

[...] But it's a panacea. Isn't that a complete scam?]

The demon king asked worriedly, but Seongjin answered confidently, tapping the lamp.

"Don't say anything you don't know, devil. "There is a huge phenomenon in this world called the placebo effect."

Even if you drink plain water, if you believe that it is medicine, you will see some improvement in your condition.

[So what I'm saying is that it's a scam-]

"shut up! "It's just respect and belief in the infinite potential of the human spirit!"

Think about it, devil. This is all for the greater good. We can drive away the medicine wagons, save people from the dangers of the gray plague, and most of all, we can turn simple country youth into self-made businessmen. It is no exaggeration to say that this kills three birds with one stone!

Plus, what if the car sells well and Oliver becomes fully established? We will be contributing greatly to the northern economy!

'If everything goes well, I'll have to ask Oliver for a generous guarantee later.'

The money is going to come rolling in. Just imagining it makes me proud.

As Seongjin was smiling happily, the devil hurriedly blinked the lamp.

[Hey, that laugh! Seongjin Lee, please stop laughing like that! Are you planning some evil plan again? yes?]

"No, what are you looking at me for? As the prince of the royal family, I only have an altruistic mind to benefit the continent!"

[Do not be ridiculous!]

Thus began the work of manufacturing Seongjin's panacea.

First, Seongjin told Oliver to boil all the herbs that can be used as tea. In order to create the best drink that will surpass medicinal tea, you must first properly understand the characteristics of the ingredients you have.

The owner of the inn gave him a harsh look, but thanks to Seongjin's generous financial generosity, he soon changed his attitude and gave him a large portion of the kitchen.

So, after a while, bowls of steaming hot water were prepared in front of Seongjin.

"This is a digestive, that is a headache medicine, and this is an herb mainly used for skin swelling. But other than teosinte, there isn't anything worth drinking as tea... ... ."

Leaving the hesitant Oliver behind, Seongjin began tasting the dishes himself.

[Huh? Seongjin Lee! Do you know what these are and drink them?]

"Oh, it's okay, it's okay. "My stomach is strong."

[Ugh! There won't be an escort driver next to you to disturb you. You're just about to leave at this point, right? huh?]

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