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503. Manta Tribe (8)

Even after returning to the Delcross dimension, Sungjin couldn't wake up right away. This was because the spirit of Sunghwang had told him this.

[Mores, if it's okay with you, I'd like to talk to you for a moment.]

Seongjin was immediately transported to a temporary dimension that Seonghwang had hastily created.

Thanks to that, for the first time that day, Seongjin was able to vividly witness the moment when a new world of salt was born from nothing.

Srrrrrr... ... .

At the gesture of the saint's hand, a blurry lattice pattern appears around them.

The regularly spaced patterns that gave off a faint glow looked like the grid lines of a perspective drawing, or the rebar grid of a construction site.

Then, the Holy Emperor clenched his fist. Then, the patterns that had been stretching out infinitely in all directions disappeared from sight, and only the small rectangular structures surrounding them remained, materializing into distinct walls.

[Wow... ... .]

This must be the work of creating the boundary of the salt world. It seems that the Holy Emperor is trying to create a small, single-room dimension like before.

As the walls began to take shape, vague remnants of furniture began to appear inside the room.

At the same time, a red wave of disaster surged from somewhere outside, thickly covering the perimeter of the dimension. It was the work of strengthening the border so that no one other than those permitted could invade.

[Mores, you're deadly! Are you going to have a secret conversation with just Seonghwang's father again?]

[Mores, I'm jealous. You have to tell us what happened later, right?]

As it is a space surrounded by layers of disasters, it seems that Herna and Gades will have difficulty invading it at will.

But even though they grumbled in words, the guys didn't seem that upset. They clearly fully understood the reason and justification for Seonghwang's actions.

Beyond the increasingly distinct boundary, the twins' soul terminals fluttered and moved away as if waving hands.

[Hello, Mores!]

[See you again, Mores!]

In this way, the dimensional boundary is completely divided and the surrounding scenery changes in the blink of an eye.

With the new gravity pulling his body, Sungjin looked around, feeling a strange sense of familiarity.

'This place is... ... !'

What unfolded before my eyes was clearly the sight of a simple room I had seen a few months ago.

Plain pastel-colored wallpaper and a shabby bed. On one side of the small desk is a thick history book that once exploded in front of Seongjin's eyes, reproduced in its entirety.

Naturally, this question arose.

'What is this space? What does this place mean to my father?'

But I couldn't ask him rashly. Of course, I thought that the intense memories of such a strange space probably didn't have a good meaning for Seonghwang.

[I knew you'd find it someday, but this timing feels a little sudden.]

Seonghwang opened his mouth in a calm voice, patting the desk, not knowing whether he knew Seongjin's thoughts or not.

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