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464. Remarks (4)

From the day she witnessed the meeting between the abbot and the suspicious guest, Dasha began going in and out of his office secretly. He was trying to find evidence to accuse the director.

"Dasha, let's stop now. What are you going to do if you get caught? "Anyway, I need you to know one big thing about me."

Of course, Ramira's stubbornness, who followed her saying she would watch over her, was also formidable.

The girls walked quietly through the hallways until they reached the deserted main building of the monastery building.

"But the doors are all locked?"

"You can pick it. Ramira, give me a skewer there."

"swimming... . "Where did you learn all these tricks?"

"It's not a structure where there are things you need to learn. "The locks in this monastery are all simple."

After grabbing a hungry stomach and robbing a few grocery warehouses, you can become a master at picking keys.

Ramira shook her head.

"Wow, what are you planning to become later?"

"Now you're talking about something else on a topic we shared well together."


The locked door opens with a heavy friction sound, and the view of the office, which is unusually luxurious for a monastery, comes into view.

While Ramira was distracted by the beautiful decorations, Dasha quickly walked up to the abbot's desk and began shuffling through the papers.

"But Dasha, what are you looking for there? "Can you read?"

"Roughly. "Father Ellison reads the scriptures every Mass."

"Huh... ... ."

Ramira gaped.

Should we be surprised by the priest's ability to match words with his pronunciation, or should we be surprised by his ability to distinguish dense scriptural letters from a considerable distance?

Meanwhile, Dasha was diligently looking through the materials, using the faint moonlight as a light.

"hmm... ... ."

Unfortunately, there wasn't as much content to salvage as I thought. It was not because the abbot was a more honest person than expected. Ridiculously, the abbot was so lazy and unplanned that he did not even keep separate ledgers.

It was outrageous that the monastery did not even have a proper list of orphans being cared for or records of moving in and out.

'... What should I do with this? 'There is nothing to complain about other than the poor use of donations.'

Of course, how the donations are used is entirely at the discretion of the abbot. There was a high possibility that the church would not make a big issue of it.

'Is the only way to report the abbot to the Heresy Tribunal?'

But it was no different from suicide. Even if the inquisitors accepted Dasha's testimony as credible, there was a high possibility that she, too, would be handed over to the heresy trial on the grounds that the source of her information was questionable.

It was a week of going in and out of the director's office without much gain.

One day, a bunch of documents caught Dasha's eye.

'Oh, this is...' ... .'

It was the measurement data of the monastery fields sent by Lord Dunstan to the abbot.

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