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463. Remarks (3)

"If you keep acting like this, I will be in real trouble."

Director Mathieu made a fortune while fiddling with a large ruby ​​ring. He was an elderly senior priest and had been the head of Dunstan Abbey for over ten years.

"There are limits to running an orphanage with only a small amount of donations. Nevertheless, we have been accepting the beggars who come from all directions with only a sense of duty. But since you are not handling the promised volume, the deficit has been piling up for several months already."

Then the woman sitting across from him glanced down at Mathieu with cold eyes. To be exact, the needlessly flashy accessories he is wearing.

"For all the complaining, the situation doesn't seem that bad. From what I heard, it looks like they are having fun by handing over orphans to red-light districts."

"The only things that can be disposed of in that way are a few high-quality items. Even last month, we only had four guys and seven girls. "The world is still overflowing with trash, and they are flocking here endlessly."

Having said that, Mathieu leaned forward and stared at the woman's face. A special guest wrapped in black priestly robes who should never set foot in this monastery.

"So shouldn't you, at least in the 'underground church', find a use for them? To those orphans who have no idea why they were born into this world and for what purpose."

"... "This is not something a servant who serves the Lord should say."

At his words and actions that naturally made her frown, an expression of strong contempt appeared on the woman's face. However, Director Mathieu just lightly picked her ear, paying no attention to her reaction.

"Well, at least I don't think the Lord will punish Mathieu for what he just said. "He discriminates against humans to begin with."

"gibberish! The Lord never... ... !"

"Ah, I have no intention of wasting time with needless general discussions, Vicar. Isn't that a truth that everyone learns through experience as they live in this world? "You and I both understand this fact deep down."

The woman glared at the abbot for a moment, then sat down in her chair and responded with a stern expression.

"In any case, our position does not change. Because the Charity Church will no longer take orphans from here. Didn't I tell you? "The great [Pay] no longer expects 'dedication' from children."

"What kind of nonsense is that?"

Mathieu could not easily believe her words.

"Until last year, the person you serve regularly asked for dozens of human sacrifices every year-"

"Director Mathieu!"

"... excuse. Didn't you ask for the orphans' 'dedication'? Are you sure you are not procuring sacrifices from somewhere else without Mathieu's knowledge?"

Mathieu was well aware that a big change had recently occurred in the [Painful] Church.

The beloved archbishop was suddenly replaced, and unfamiliar rules that were completely different from before were handed down to each diocese.

'But no matter what, they suddenly stop all transactions like this?'

It has been almost 10 years since he secretly handed over human sacrifices to the Aeyeol Church. So I was confident that I knew more about their physiology than anyone else.

On the surface, they claimed to be brothers serving the same god, but the behavior of the underground cult more closely resembled evil devil worshipers.

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