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450. Dacion (7)

The same scenes unfolded before Seongjin's eyes once again.

"Wow! "Owen!"

The Barça Savage clinging desperately to the hem of Owen's clothes -

"Hey haaa!"

A maid with a fierce face running towards me with a smile on her face, and-

"... ... ."

There was even a young informant who was blocking Seonghwang's path with a very wary expression.

"Shh. Edith. "I'm hiding my identity right now."

Pang pang! Carelessly pushing away the maid who was dusting off her clothes, Seongjin watched the scene of Owen approaching Seonghwang as if it were in her dream.

"Priest Bart! "What are you doing here?"

okay. All events proceed without any change from before.

'... I knew it.'

Seongjin already knew that things like before would happen. So he corrected his past mistakes and tried to achieve better results.

But what is this? When I came face to face with their father in real life, I felt a strange sense of floating, as if I was in a dream.

Which one is the real reality?


At that time, Seonghwang spoke to me in my head.

[Pull yourself together. I know you are very confused right now. But you must not forget what you must do.]

A thing to do.

[We must go back. Same time and place as before.]

Yes, I know. father.

Because I had a feeling that it would be like that.

"... Phew."

Seongjin let out a small breath and took a step.

"Priest Bart."

As I carefully pulled his sleeve like before, the feeling I felt in my hand was a light weight that evaded the laws of the world.

"... ... ."

Nevertheless, when Seongjin realized that the unfamiliar sensation was just a pleasure, he fell into a strange feeling.

* * *

[Lee Seong-jin! Seongjin Lee!]

As the group sat together in the restaurant as before, the Demon King sent his thoughts to Seongjin and informed him of the incident.

[Look here! It's really strange! I can sense the laws of the normal world in that man named Bart!]

Demon King, you really have no memories of the past.

Knock knock.

After calming the demon king by lightly tapping on the lamp, Seongjin carefully examined the holy homunculus.

Another person who appeared on the TV said nothing. Stubbornly keeping his mouth shut is the same as before.

Nevertheless, Seongjin was able to sense a subtle difference in his attitude from before. When I think back to him before, he seemed very embarrassed that he couldn't even respond properly because he was trying to hide his identity.

But what about now?

"... ... ."

Under the calm atmosphere, I can feel his eyes, hidden behind a hood, occasionally touching my face as if searching.

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