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419. Freedom Underpass (1)

Freedom Underpass.

Seongjin first learned of the existence of the secret organization through Belinda's soul.

The Freedom Underpass was not actually an underground road. It's just a slang that arose naturally because many of those who used this place committed themselves to underground cults.

[It is said that the person who first created this organization was a wealthy Ortonain. It is said that they attempted to rescue those seeking freedom of thought from imperial oppression to their country.]

The history of the Holy Empire spans over a thousand years. Therefore, no matter how many or how few, there will always be people who want to escape from religious oppression or harsh religious trials.

The Freedom Underground provided them with a small amount of food, a stable escape route, and even a new identity if necessary. Since it is operated with a thorough point organization, it is unlikely to be discovered, and even if caught, it can be easily terminated.

As a result, contrary to the initial intention, eventually all kinds of miscellaneous criminals flocked to the area.

[Serious criminals who have no hope of remaining in the Empire mainly gather in the Freedom Underpass.]

Then several years ago.

As the Holy Emperor unified the religious denominations by force, some changes occurred in the nature of this 'freedom underground'.

Underground religious denominations that had been completely expelled from the Imperial Capital began to actively utilize the escape routes of the Free Underground to preserve their power.

In the southern and western regions, [sowing] denominations-

And in the northern area, the [Repentance] Church expanded throughout Ortona.

"So, Giacomo Milo did not hide in the underground cult, but used this northern escape route?"

[Yes, my lord.]

Although the Free Underground is operated with the help of an underground religious denomination, it is difficult to say that it completely falls under the domain of the religious denomination.

So, this is the perfect organization for Giacomo Milo, who had a somewhat strained relationship with the Penitent Church due to the Demon Counter Incident, to hide in.


Seongjin wiped the corners of his mouth and thought for a moment.

"It's been quite a while since Giacomo Milo disappeared. "Why didn't he try to run far west or south?"

Seongjin's question presupposes that Giacomo Milo is in the north. However, neither Seongjin nor Belinda had any doubts about it.

[His entire base is in the North. It would have been difficult to easily abandon it.]

"The upper part was thoroughly confiscated, but there's still some left."

That was good news. I need to secretly steal it and invest it in my business.

When Seongjin unconsciously raised the corner of his mouth, the demon king was startled and disgusted.

[It came out again! An expression like a long-term trading broker handing over that contract!]

shut up! Where do you think all those expensive dishes you're sitting on come from? huh?

[Hidden property is also property, but Giacomo Milo has no contact with the [Sowing] Church. It wouldn't have been easy to make new contact with them and plan something while being wanted. Moreover, his family, Count Milo, was originally... ... .]

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