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428. Secretary of the Immortal (1)

'How does one who is prepared?'

Giacomo Milo was literally on the verge of losing his mind.

'How can you be here without a single bodyguard, acting so shabby!'


Giacomo Milo, completely caught off guard, falls to the floor in a daze. Then Seongjin looked down at him with a 'friendly' smile of his own.

"You are ready for conversation. "I think we'll talk quickly."

Unfortunately, that smile sent Giacomo Milo into a state of complete panic.

'Ah, it's over now! 'The one who is prepared will eventually kill me here!'

Giacomo grabbed the precious black elixir with trembling hands.

I finally got this! I thought I could finally get revenge on those who brought down me and my top!

'Salos! Why is there no response from Salos at such an important time?'

As the contractor's emotions intensified-


For a moment, a faint black fog seemed to rise from Giacomo Milo's shadow.

[Be careful, Seongjin Lee! That guy is leaking a little bit of magical energy right now.]

The Demon King blinked his lamp and warned.

[You said that guy was a devil contractor, right? That's definitely a sign of a broken contract. It seems the devil has decided to give up on the author!]

"okay? "What happens if I give up?"

[As it is not the fault of humans, the soul is not immediately taken to the demon world. but-]

The Demon King continued his explanation quickly.

[The devil who made a contract with him also no longer has the obligation to protect the contracted person from demonic energy. The moment the devil completely disconnects, that person will probably die right away.]

Giacomo Milo has already been sentenced to death. So whether I die here or get executed in the imperial capital, it won't be that big of a problem.

However, it seemed that the story was a little different in the case of the devil who had made a contract with him.

[The devil who arbitrarily breaks the contract will indeed have to pay a huge price. The punishment is so heavy that it feels like nothing is wrong with adding a few more crimes.]

And in such a crisis, the devil almost always tried to cause an accident. The devil is not the devil for nothing.

[Ignoring the rules of the dimension, turning a blind eye to cause and effect, they use the bodies of sacrificed human beings as a channel to release as much demonic power as possible onto the earth. That alone would cause the human world to fall into great confusion.]

In other words, the current Giacomo Milo is a magic time bomb that may explode at any moment.

There was a reason why Giovanni, the leader of the Free Underpass, was reluctant to touch the guy directly.

"Then what if I kill that guy here first?"

"Ugh... ... !"

Giacomo Milo's complexion turns pale.

[The souls of humans who fail to fulfill the contract will be taken to the demon world. And that body will disappear, causing rapid erosion. A considerable amount of demon energy was left here. You may be fine, but probably the people around you will be affected to some extent?]

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