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482. Departure (3)

The sacred pure white energy surges like a tidal wave. The excessively strong force is not so much 'purification' as it is a primal violence that enforces order in the world.


Branch Manager Schmidt was unable to overcome the mental shock and fainted on the spot. Fortunately, a clear sacred barrier was surrounding his body.

Kiyi... ... .

Thanks to this, the black fog that had spread beyond Seongjin's shield was swept away by the storm of divine power and evaporated in vain.

"Father...! Father Bart!"

Seongjin gathered his aura and ran towards the homunculus, delighted.

"You're here! "Thanks to you, I survived!"


"I almost got into big trouble, right? "I was so lucky to have a priest here, hahaha!"

Then, Seonghwang opened his mouth for a moment as if trying to tell Seongjin something.

However, he could not speak easily because Sir Robert and some other servants were watching them with wide eyes.


"Oh my god!"

"It's a newbie!"

"Your Majesty, what is the matter! Are you okay?"

Sir Masain, Owen, and the resident knights were also running frantically from the other side. The entire mansion was suddenly engulfed in white light, so even those who couldn't sense demon energy immediately noticed the anomaly.

Finally, Seonghwang let out a soft sigh and answered Seongjin in Ortonian.

"It seemed like we were racing against time, so I intervened. Mores, if you had had enough time, it wouldn't have been impossible for you to be purified."

"uh... ... ."

Seongjin blinked. What came out of Seonghwang's mouth was an extremely unfamiliar foreign language, but somehow he was able to understand what he was saying.

That unique way of speaking, the hint of concern hidden in the calm tone, and even the faint enthusiasm as if he wanted to teach me something, it was all there.

"Is that so? But no matter how much I try to burn it with Aura, it doesn't work."

When Seongjin obediently asked a question, a detailed answer came back as if he had been waiting.

"That demon energy was protected by the laws of the normal world. "The reason the first purification ritual didn't work properly was because it was like hitting a solid castle wall with your bare hands."

"I see. so... ... ."

"But it's not like there were any loopholes that could be explored. As you may have already guessed, the laws of the normal world that protected the demonic energy were incomplete. In other words, it was a sturdy outer shell with lots of holes here and there."

By then, Sir Martha and Owen had arrived nearby and looked at each other with bewildered expressions. Because I witnessed the strange sight of two people who had no contact at all before, talking amicably in different languages.

'Brother Marsain. Did New...Mores ever learn Ortona before?'

'No, as far as I know, there is none. Lowering.'

Meanwhile, Seonghwang's explanation continued.

"Of course, even if it is an imperfect outer wall, if the inside is already filled with other energy, it is difficult to invade it easily. However, what would have happened if you had not tried to burn the demonic energy from the outside from the beginning, but had confined them in one place and poured out a strong force all at once like I just did?"

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