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441. Reunion (3)

From then on, under No. 21's leadership, the group's journey continued without much trouble.

?Hi! Look at this! W, woman! man! Ichi isn't breathing again! This person is truly an evil spirit from hell!

Of course, when Seonghwang left for a moment to attend a political meeting, the surprised Barca Barbarians turned pale and caused a brief uproar -

-Yuck! What on earth is this damn beef jerky? Mr. 21! Surely this isn't revenge for the ink strawberry from earlier?

There were minor incidents, such as having a quick bite to eat while walking and Edith spitting out all the bile-flavored beef jerky.

But other than that, it was a relatively peaceful and smooth journey. Basically, everyone has physical strength, and they are also Auror users who never get tired.

So the group crossed the wasteland at high speed. Although Edith, who was starving, occasionally quenched her appetite and watched No. 21's thoughts. Naturally, No. 21 became concerned about her flame barrier.

'That bitter taste. His Majesty definitely said it was because of the flame barrier created by that maid.'

It was still a relatively unfamiliar concept, but fortunately No. 21 had some knowledge about the flame barrier.

Why not? Wasn't he the first disciple who received many unexpected teachings from the Holy Emperor when he was just coming of age?

-Enrique. In order to control the power given to you, you must first understand the basic principles by which the world you belong to operates.

-What kind of principles are these? Don't other people know about that? Bart. Isn't that too grandiose?

-Everyone is just overlooking its importance. Listen, Enrique. If you establish your intention on the great void, it will soon become a firm intention, and all Aurors will move according to this intention and naturally reach materialization... ... .

-No, Bart. I asked about basic Auror training. Can't you just teach me how to use an auror?

-... What did you hear about what I explained so far?

... Looking back, it wasn't a very helpful class.

Anyway, after carefully reflecting on the previous situations, No. 21 concluded that some kind of flame barrier existed within a certain range based on Edith's hand. There was no problem when eating using proper utensils.

'Is it ultimately caused by holding it with your own hands?'

After some deliberation, No. 21 obtained a long wooden skewer and threaded pieces of beef jerky onto it. Then he carefully placed it in Edith's hands.

"hmm... uh? "Does this taste good?"

Fortunately, it doesn't seem to taste like bile this time. Edith, who was relieved, soon excitedly started eating the pieces of jerky one by one.

* * *

The group arrived at Tere Village at sunset, a little earlier than expected.

"Everyone, take note."

Stopping on a hill overlooking the village, No. 21 looked back at the group with a serious expression and gave them a warning.

"Tere is one of the few bases of the Free Underpass that is well-known to the public. So, there are a few things travelers need to be aware of in order to pass by safely. first-"

"But Mr. 21. "What is the Freedom Underpass?"

Edith, oblivious, raises her hand and asks. She wanted to ignore Number 21, but unfortunately she was the only one in her group who would listen to this explanation.

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