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451. Dacion (8)


During a moment of silence, Seonghwang lightly pulled a plate in front of him.

It is a starling dish that is smoked once and then grilled until the skin becomes crispy. It was the signature dish of the inn that the owner was quite confident about.

"... ... ."

Seongjin quietly followed the sight of him moving the dishes with his eyes.

In the previous time, Seongjin actively recommended the dish and even served it to him himself.

And the current Seonghwang, coincidentally, was cutting out a part that exactly matched the part that Seongjin had cut out at the time.

Seongjin thought blankly.

'No, it can't be a coincidence. 'What else does that action mean?'

Is it slowly reliving memories that I did not experience directly, or is it that I want to eliminate even a little sense of disconnection from the past?

Maybe it's both.


At that time, Seonghwang opened his mouth.

"What just happened is just one of many ways to create milestones. Of course, if you dig deeper into the underlying principles, you could say that they are all the same method in the end."

He moved the tableware and calmly added an explanation.

"The reason why what you have created this time is your milestone is because you are the one responsible for all of these things. Inevitably, I had to borrow a third party's perspective this time, but if you get used to it, you will be able to do it on your own from now on... ... ."

Then he stopped talking and stared for a moment at Seongjin, who was still silent with a stern expression.

"... "It's still confusing."

Seongjin nodded honestly.

"Yes, it is."


Seonghwang seemed to be lost in thought for a moment as he put a piece of cut starling meat into his mouth. After finishing off the small amount of food he had prepared, he put down the utensils and continued speaking.

"If you do, Mores, I will use the interlude to tell you an old story."

"... "A story?"

"okay. "Once upon a time there was a famous prophet in Ionia."

Seongjin's expression became subtle. This explanation of borrowing a story is a method that Seonghwang often used to save some of the causality.

But why? If I were to listen to his voice, another voice came to mind, one that explained Dacianus without hesitation, without hesitation in the backlash of cause and effect.

"He tried to generously give his abilities to others. That's why he had relatively strong trust among people."

According to Seonghwang's explanation, the prophet was moderately selfish, but he still had an altruistic nature that basically sought to help others.

Therefore, he could not easily overlook the dangers of the people around him, and tried to get a better future by intervening whenever possible.

As a result, many people who heard his prophecy were able to be saved.

"Was he of the Kornsim clan?"

The moment he heard that, Seongjin's intuition flashed strongly.

"Are you sure it was the Oracle of Kornsheim? "Another oracle who lived in Ionia long ago, before the clan migrated to Delcross."

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