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466. Remarks (6)

"I apologize, sir."

Masain was embarrassed and bowed his head to Seongjin. He had returned to his usual upright appearance, as if he had never been angry.

Of course, it was already too late, and his fierce talk had swept through the inn.

"I must have lost my mind for a moment to make such a mistake. "I will gladly receive punishment for this disrespect when I return."

"... no it's okay. "Never mind."

Seongjin answered hesitantly.

I didn't really feel like blaming him. In the first place, he was the one who left the escort knight aside and wandered around all over the place.

The only strange thing was that, no matter how angry he was, Lord Martha was the type of person who would go so far to abuse the prince he served.

"But, Lord Martha."

Is it because of my mood?

"For some reason, your face seems to have cleared up more than before. Are you feeling okay now?"

Masain then tilted his head and traced the side of the boat with a very relaxed expression.

"... You mean that? After listening to the words, I somehow felt very refreshed inside. Does it feel like a long-standing congestion has disappeared all at once? "I have heard rumors, but Priest Bart's healing power is truly amazing."

"No, it's healing power..." ... ."

It must have been amazing as always. Because that's what my father did.

'What happened?'

Sir Masain seemed to be purely impressed by the priest's abilities, but Seongjin sensed a subtle gap in his behavior and couldn't help but feel nervous.

But fortunately, Seongjin was soon able to understand the reason. Because a young man came into the inn with unsteady steps.

He was wearing an assassin's unique stealth suit, and when he spotted Seongjin, he smiled an uncharacteristically wide smile.

"We are here. Mores."

"It's finally here. Mores."

The man, who repeated words with similar meaning twice, walked towards Seongjin with somewhat unsteady steps, as his feet were not aligned.

"Let me tell you a little bit: it's all because of my father."

"okay. "His father made a light hint while waking up his brother."


"huh. "It's a light suggestion that doesn't linger for long and doesn't put a strain on the soul."

"It's a kind of epilogue. "I told you not to keep what you say inside."

When the suspicious person he saw for the first time approached in a very innocent manner, Masain, startled, blocked Seongjin's path and growled.

"Stay back! "What kind of guy are you?"

"Sir Martha."

"Just looking at him, it seems like he knows his status, but how dare he disrespect his status..." ... !"

Seongjin raised one hand to reassure Masain, who was wary.

"are you okay. "That is the prisoner we captured last night."

"... yes?"

Masain's pupils shook violently at the man's unexpected identity.

"Captivate? A prisoner? I am being rude, sir. The author just walked into this place on his own feet... ... ?"

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