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442. Reunion (4)

Dacian explained it this way:

The effects of Blue Deleria are so powerful that, if done incorrectly, it can become a terrible poison that completely separates the soul from reality.

So, after a long period of research, he came up with a decoction with as few side effects as possible. Of course, the effectiveness of Deleria will be reduced accordingly, but it is said that if you take it consistently for a long time and put in sincerity, you will be able to build a strong wall of your soul.

'But Deleria is a precious ingredient. Didn't Dacian also say that he created a secret flower garden and monopolized the flowers?'

There, Seongjin made a slight leap in his thinking.

The period in which Dacian, the progenitor of the marquis, was active dates back hundreds of years. If so, the knowledge he spread may also have been shared with someone and spread secretly.

And in order to achieve their dream of immortality, they must have been looking for something to replace Deleria. For example, Loferum eggs, which have a similar scent to Deleria.

'In other words, Loperum eggs were used as lower-level ingredients for Dileria!'

If so, it is possible to guess to some extent what the 'wall' of the soul that Dacian was talking about was.

The most comfortable place for the soul to dwell.

as soon as-

'Flame decision!'

The medicinal tea showed the effect of extremely activating Seongjin's flame crystals. In other words, Loferum eggs are a well-founded substitute.

Like Dacian's decoction, if the medicinal tea is taken over a long period of time, proper flame crystals may be formed one day.

'But it would have taken an unexpectedly long time. So there may have been some who tried to achieve a more radical effect.'

It can be assumed that they probably experimented with planting Loperum eggs, the main ingredient, directly into humans. The gray plague patients that suddenly appeared all over the place were probably all side effects of this experiment.

Of course, after Archbishop Wesker arbitrarily activated the [Temporary Emergency Measures], the momentum was lost.

It is still unknown who the radical forces that spread the gray plague are. However, at least Seongjin had an accurate understanding of the forces that supplied medicinal tea through the 'traditional' method.

'In the end, is the Penitent Church the one that started all of this?'

I heard this once while interrogating Belinda. Medicine tea. So, Loferum, the ingredient of the 'awakening tea' they say, is a treasure distributed directly by the Archbishop of Penitence.

And at that time, Belinda said this.

-The awakening car is ultimately given to save all humans! The reason we are willing to share it with you apostates even at the expense of it is because it is the will of the Lord who wants humans on all continents to awaken spiritually!

In other words, it is possible that medicinal tea was already secretly consumed throughout the northern part of the country for a long time, even before it spread to the Sigismund Territory.

'And it is highly likely that the centers will be the bases of the Free Underpass used by the Dark Church.'

So, Seongjin suddenly changed the route of the 'special delivery' carriage, leading a flock of people.

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