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471. Remarks (side story) - Gustav



Gustav looked back at his younger brother, who violently opened the door, with a calm face.


"What does that mean all of a sudden? Atrium ministry? "Brother, are you out of your mind now?"

Tobias Gustav.

He was a brother slightly older than Gustav, and was a young man currently attending the Theological Academy. His natural divine power is great, and his personality is also active and sociable.

Thanks to this, Gustav always thought about this every time he saw Tobias.

'I ended up being an insignificant low-level priest, but this guy could probably rise to an important position in the Orthodox Church. Maybe I'll be hired by the lord on good terms.'

He is a proud younger brother who has a pretty solid future ahead of him.

However, he was now very excited and was raising his voice at Gustav.

"When are you talking about visiting ministry? Is your brother some kind of saint Grazie? "Who these days provides such old-fashioned service?"

It was not unreasonable for Tobias to react this way.

'Visiting ministry' refers to the act of a priest wandering around the world aimlessly to serve the Lord.

Since I don't have a church in particular, I have no way of receiving much protection even if I walk around naked. In other words, it meant sacrificing one's life and serving for one's faith.

"It's not your fault the devil was summoned in the first place! Rather, it played a big role in resolving the situation. But why are you willing to take such a dangerous path?"

"Shh! Kill your voice, Tobias. "What are you going to do if someone hears it?"

"under! Is there anyone here who doesn't know about Dunstan's Incident? Everyone is hissing, but there are already rumors all the way to the imperial capital about what that damned Mathieu did! But what does that have to do with you?"

Gustav kept his mouth shut for a moment, then opened his mouth, waiting for his younger brother's wild excitement to subside a little.

"No matter what, you can't fool your conscience. Tobias, it was my fault."

"Oh, kinda! Wake! "Why is it because of you that that crazy gravedigger's wife sold her soul to the devil?"

"Because the church had to save her first before that happened. And then I was definitely in a position to help her."


Gustav spoke calmly to his wide-eyed brother.

"Tobias. "At that time, the person who summoned the devil was just a poor woman who had lost her child."

"Do not be ridiculous! That woman is a devil worshiper. "She is a criminal who killed people!"

"I wasn't a devil worshiper from the beginning. He just had no other way to endure the extreme sadness and anger. Because all she could do to get her revenge was to summon her demon. Then, who actually gave her up to her devil?"

Tobias was speechless. I wasn't influenced by Gustav's distorted self-blame. I just read the deep-rooted guilt in the brother's detached eyes that would not disappear for the rest of his life after he had finished organizing his mind.

"Do you understand? Tobias. "It is all my mistake for ignoring the opportunity to prevent that tragedy, and it is the church's fault for appointing someone like Mathieu as abbot."

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