☆Jake's Withdrawals☆

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Request; gphobia

[ Jake is experiencing withdrawals with cigarettes and accidentally lashes out on Johnnie ! ]

CW: talking about nicotine, irritability, binge eating, depression, and other extreme symptoms of withdrawal such as v0miting and more!

"Ughhhhh!!" Jake felt super irritated today. He is sitting on the couch, bouncing his leg. He didn't have cash on him to buy zyns or anything nicotine related in a few days, and it's starting to get to him.

Johnnie notices this and sits down next to Jake. "Hey, Jake. What's wrong?" "Don't!" Jake shakes his head as he springs up from the couch. He grips the back of his mullet, tugging on his head in frustration.

Johnnie puts his hands on Jake's shoulders to calm him down. "Jake, it's alright. What's going on?"

Jake shoved Johnnie's hand off. Which isn't like him. "Don't, don't touch me right now." He says as he storms himself into the kitchen. He opened the fridge door, "Oh my God we have nothing in here!"

Johnnie is taken aback by this, as he's never seen Jake like this before. He gets up and follows Jake into the kitchen, concerned for his friend.

"What do you mean we have nothing in here? We always have food. What are you looking for?" He asked.

Jake slams the fridge door and opens the cabinet. Grabbing out a package of peanut butter cookies. He walks to the table and sits, beginning to binge eat. The nicotine crave for cigarettes hitting the back of his head.

Johnnie is concerned and sits down next to Jake.."Jake, what's going on? Why are you so angry? Is there something I can do to help?"

"You can piss off, please." Jake shakes his head, munching on the cookies stressfully and binge eating, he ate half the package already in a span of five minutes.

Johnnie sighs and stands up, walking away from Jake. He doesn't want to upset his friend any further, but he also doesn't want to just leave him alone. "Okay, I'll leave you alone, but you know you can talk to me if you want, right? I'm here for you." He gets up.

"Don't give me that shit, do you have a cigarette on you?" Jake asks, setting a cookie down. Johnnie knows Jake is quitting.

Johnnie sits back down next to Jake and grabs his arm, looking him straight in the eyes. "Look, Jake. I know you're struggling with this, but you need to snap out of it. I'm not going to let you destroy yourself like this. You need to quit smoking and start taking better care of yourself. I'm not going to sit back and watch you do this to yourself."

Jake suddenly lashes out at this response, "I HAVE BEEN! I HAVEN'T SMOKED IN FOUR DAYS! BUT TODAY IS NOT...today."

Johnnie is taken aback by this sudden outburst, but he tries to stay calm. "Okay, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I'm proud of you for making it four days without smoking. I know it's hard, but you can do this. We can do this. Just don't let today be the day you give in to temptation."

Jake covers his face and screams into his hands. Before lowering them. "I've been craving nicotine since last night dude! Please, please can I have a cigarette?"

Johnnie sighs and shakes his head. "I'm sorry, Jake. I can't let you do that. You're stronger than this. You don't need the cigarettes. You need to be strong and resist the urge. It's only a matter of time before the cravings go away. Just keep pushing through and you'll get through this."

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