☆LSD Trip☆

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[ Jake and Johnnie are at a party....and they decided to take some LSD. ]

TW: Heavy drugs(obv), heavy kisses+touching (no smut),


"JAKE?!" Johnnie shouts over the loudness of the music, a bottle of alcohol in his hand as he is stumbling himself around the party.

"Johnnie!?" Jake shouts back, surprised to see him at the party. He immediately walks over to him and tries to get the bottle out of his hands. "Johnnie, you can't drink that, you're drunk!"

"I can drink as much as I want too! You're drunk too, bitch!" Johnnie laughs as he takes a swig of his bottle.

"I'm not drunk." Jake said, trying to sound serious but failing miserably. He was definitely drunk, but he didn't want to admit it.

Johnnie laughs as he hands Jake the bottle, looking at him with a drunk daze. "Take a sip," His face had the lights dancing across his face and he looked super attractive right now.

Jake sighed, taking the bottle and taking a sip. He was already feeling the effects of the alcohol and didn't want to make himself any more drunk, but he knew he couldn't say no to Johnnie.

Suddenly some girls came over, "Do you want some of this?!" A blond woman shrieks, laughing as she holds up some LSD.

Jake looked at the woman, then back at Johnnie. He wasn't really sure if he wanted to take the LSD or not, but he knew he was too drunk to think clearly. "What do you think, Johnnie? Should we take it?"

"Uhhhh," Johnnie laughs, "Shit!" He was too drunk to think either. Jake nods, taking the LSD from the woman. He had never taken it before, but he figured he could give it a try.

He popped the tab in his mouth and swallowed it, then looked at Johnnie, wondering what would happen next.

Johnnie does the same, he felt a bit pressured but did it anyway, besides, he was also too drunk to fully comprehend what was going on. The girls laughed and walked away.

Johnnie and Jake are beginning to feel the effects. Johnnie started to laugh as his arms wrapped around Jake's neck.

Jake smiled, leaning into Johnnie's embrace. He could feel the effects of the LSD, his vision was starting to get a little distorted and he felt like he was floating.

He started to laugh too, feeling like everything was funny and nothing mattered.

"Hi, hi!" Johnnie's eyes are blown, just staring up at Jake. The lights are very bright and colorful and dance across Johnnie's face.

Jake giggled, looking down at Johnnie. "Hey, you're so cute." He leaned down and kissed Johnnie's forehead, his vision becoming even more distorted. "You're so beautiful..."

Johnnie giggled, feeling the effects of the heavy drug. "You..." he trailed off, before laughing loudly.

"Me what?" Jake asked, giggling too. He leaned closer to Johnnie, wanting to hear what he was going to say.

"So, hot!" Johnnie exclaimed, laughing as he shook his head. "I'm fucked up.. why'd we do that?!" He gasps for air and laughs harder.

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