☆Early Mornings☆

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[ it's just cute ok ! ]



It was early in the morning, the couple is currently cuddling together in Johnnie's bed. Jake has his arms tightly secured around the emo's waist.

Johnnie was fast asleep and didn't seem to be moving any time soon. Jake smiled at him and pulled him closer.

Jake felt clingy this morning. He knew he had to get up and start his routine, but he just didn't have the motivation to get up, or leave Johnnie. He tucks his face into the emo's neck, leaving little kisses on the tattoos.

Johnnie stirred a little bit and mumbled something. He seemed to be dreaming about something. He was still fast asleep, but he was slowly starting to wake up.

"Babyyy," Jake whispered against Johnnie's warm skin as he smiled against it. Before planting a big kiss on the bat tattoo.

Johnnie smiled in his sleep and wrapped his arms around Jake. He nuzzled his head into his neck and started to wake up a little bit more. His eyes fluttered open and he yawned.

Jake giggles as he pets Johnnie's head. "Mm, hi baby." He sleepily says. Johnnie smiled back at him and snuggled into his arms. "Hey, cutie. What are you doing up so early?"

"You know I'm an early bird." Jake whispered before tightening his grip on Johnnie's waist.

"I know, but I wanted to cuddle with you some more. I was having such a good dream." Johnnie sighed and kissed Jake's neck.

Jake sighed as he felt the kisses to his neck. He smiled a bit. "I'm not leaving today.." He muttered as he snuggled his face into Johnnie's chest.

Johnnie smiled and pulled him closer. "Good. I don't want you to leave. I want to cuddle with you all day."

"Yeah..?" Jake chuckles a bit. "I guess I'm not the only one clingy huh?"

Johnnie laughed. "I guess you're right. I can't help it. I just love you so much." He said as he kissed Jake's forehead.

"I love you too Johnnie. So much. Alot. Really so much that I honestly don't ever want to be away from you, not even for a day." Jake snickers as he kisses Johnnie's cheek.

Johnnie giggled. "I feel the same way. I never want to be away from you either. I just want to spend the rest of my life with you. I'm never going to leave you, ever." He smiled and squeezed Jake tightly.

"Neither am I." Jake replied, laying his head onto Johnnie's bare chest, looking at his tattoos, admiring them.

Johnnie started playing with Jake's hair as he smiled at him. He was so in love with Jake, and he couldn't imagine his life without him. He was his everything.

"I like your tattoos, you have way more than me it's insane." Jake laughs a bit. "Well, big tattoos." He traces his fingers on Johnnie's tatted chest and stomach.

Johnnie laughed as Jake traced his fingers over his tattoos. "Yeah, I guess I do have a lot. But I'm planning on getting more. I love getting tattoos. It's like, an addiction." He joked.

"Yeah? Me too. I'm so hyper-fixated on getting tattoos recently, and I plan on getting a fuck more." Jake smiled, kissing Johnnie's tatted chest.

Johnnie chuckled and kissed Jake's forehead. "I can tell you're hyper-fixated. I can see your excitement when you're looking at tattoos on your phone. You get so giddy."

"I can't help it! Tattoos are cool!" Jake lifts his head, sticking his tongue out.

Johnnie giggled and stuck his tongue out too. "I agree. Tattoos are cool. But I'm even cooler than tattoos." He said jokingly, teasing Jake.

Jake pecks Johnnie's nose. "I guess soooooo." He teasingly says.

Johnnie laughed and tickled Jake's sides. "Hey! I'm way cooler than tattoos! Don't argue with me."

"WoohAh-" Jake makes a silly noise as he gets tickled, he immediately grabs Johnnie's tatted hands and kisses them.

Johnnie smiled and stopped tickling Jake. He was so cute when he made silly noises. He leaned in and kissed him on the lips, pulling him closer to him.

Jake returns the kisses, holding his emo boyfriend as close as possible. Then he pulls back from the kiss. "You're cute, Johnnie."

Johnnie blushed a little. "You're cuter. I love you, Jake." He said as he hugged Jake tightly. He loved being called cute by Jake, and it made him feel all fuzzy inside.

Jake returns the hug, chuckling a bit. "I'm cuter? Nah, that's you." He smiled and kissed Johnnie's head.

Johnnie chuckled as well. "No, you're cuter. You're the cutest person in the world. No one can beat you. You're the cutest and most handsome man I've ever met." He said as he ran his fingers through Jake's hair.

"You know you're cute when you're not being a sarcastic ass." Jake snickers.

Johnnie laughed and poked Jake's cheek. "Hey, I'm not a sarcastic ass all the time."

"Ehhh, yeah you are." Jake smiled, "I like your attitude it's cute."

Johnnie rolled his eyes. "Oh, shut up." He said, trying to sound annoyed, but he couldn't help but smile.

"Make me." Jake teased, scrunching up his freckled nose.

Johnnie chuckled and grabbed Jake's face with both hands. He leaned in close and pressed his lips against Jake's, kissing him passionately.

Jake returns the kisses before he pulls back and yawns. He looks at the clock. "5:00AM... I got a few more hours until 8." He smiled, before yawning again.

Johnnie chuckled. "Yeah, I should probably get back to bed too. I'm pretty tired." He yawned as well and stretched. "We should get some sleep."

"Yeah, we just got back from a party a few hours ago and now we're snuggled.. hm." Jake sounds relaxed and sleepy as he hugs his boyfriend.

Johnnie nodded and smiled. "Yeah, this is nice. Just us, cuddling together. I could stay like this forever." He said, resting his head on Jake's chest.

"Me too, baby. But we got lives, unfortunately." Jake laughs as he gives Johnnie a butterfly kiss. (Rubbing his nose against Johnnie's nose.)

Johnnie laughed and kissed Jake's forehead. "Yeah, I know. But we can still have this time together. I love you, Jake. I really do." He said, pulling Jake closer to him and wrapping his arms around him.

"I love you too, not stop being an emo yapper and go to bed." Jake laughs as he kisses Johnnie's head.

Johnnie chuckled and playfully pushed Jake away. "I'm not an emo yapper! I'm just... expressing my emotions. It's healthy." He said, trying to defend himself.

"Right." Jake grins as he hugs Johnnie close and buried his face into Johnnie's neck, before he closes his eyes and falls asleep.

Johnnie smiled and closed his eyes as well. He wrapped his arms around Jake and pulled him even closer, feeling content and safe in his arms.

He kissed Jake's forehead and drifted off to sleep, feeling comfortable and loved.

(The end)
(1,170 words)

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