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[ attentiveness; the action of paying close attention to something/someone. ]

[ Jake wants to be treated with attention by Johnnie. <3 ]

(here's some wholesomeness, y'all need it.)


Jake is poking Johnnie repeatedly while the emo has his eyes glued on his phone.

Johnnie sighs and puts his phone down, glaring at Jake. A smile rises onto Jake's face, "Hi."

"Hey." Johnnie said, sounding annoyed.

"Why are you annoyed?" Jake chuckles softly as he pecks Johnnie's cheek.

Johnnie blushes slightly and pushes Jake away. "You know why."

"I don't think I do," Jake teased, tilting his head a bit to the side.

"Stop poking me." Johnnie said, crossing his arms.

"You're no fun." Jake stuck his tongue out, smiling.

"I know."Johnnie said, smirking.

Jake pouts, before he shifted and laid his head onto Johnnie's lap.

Johnnie blushes again and starts playing with Jake's hair.

Jake's lips crept up into a soft smile, enjoying the sensation.

Johnnie leaned down and kissed Jake's forehead, still playing with his hair.

"So...you're finally being attentive to me?" Jake says, smiling which caused his dimples to show.

"Yeah, yeah." Johnnie said, rolling his eyes and still playing with Jake's hair.

"Oh don't give me that, you know you like it." Jake stuck his tongue out to the side, before licking his snake bites boredly.

"Yeah, I do like it." Johnnie said, blushing and still playing with Jake's hair. "Do you, really?" Jake laughs, leaning his head up, enjoying the feeling of Johnnie's fingers through his hair.

"Yes, I do". Johnnie says, his face flushing even more. "Stop being so dry with me, it feels like I'm talking to a brick wall." Jake jokingly says, laughing.

"Sorry, I'm just a bit down."Johnnie said, still playing with Jake's hair but his face was starting to fall.

"What's wrong?" Jake asked, snuggling his face on Johnnie's lap. Johnnie is upset because he wants to tell Jake how he feels about him, but he's absolutely horrified.

Jake stares at Johnnie, waiting for him to answer his question. Johnnie still didn't make eye contact with Jake, feeling a little awkward.

"Johnnie, whatever is on your mind, you can tell me." Jake says as he sits up. Looking at Johnnie with a smiley face.

Johnnie looked at Jake and sighed. He knew he had to tell him the truth, but he was afraid of how Jake would react. "I have something to tell you, but you have to promise you won't freak out."

"Yeah, dude." Jake replied.

Johnnie took a deep breath and then looked directly at Jake. "I... I have feelings for you."

Jake tilts his head. "Well everyone has feelings, it just depends on what kind they are." He replied, it was going over his head.

Johnnie's face flushed red and he started stuttering. "I mean, uh...um.. well, shit.. I-I like you more than a fri-friend."

Jake widened his eyes in surprise. "Really?" Before a large smile spreads across his face, he squeals and begins to flap his hands.

Johnnie couldn't help but smile when he saw Jake's reaction. He couldn't believe that Jake actually felt the same way. He reached out and grabbed Jake's hand, pulling him closer.

Jake willingly got close and connected his lips with Johnnie's, before he pulled away and smiled.

Johnnie felt butterflies in his stomach as he kissed Jake. He couldn't believe that this was happening.

He had wanted this for so long, and now it was finally happening. He wrapped his arms around Jake and pulled him into a tight hug.

Johnnie smiled softly at Jake and patted his head, while Jake snuggled closer to him.

Jake kept his arms around Johnnie now, he wanted as much attention as he possibly could get.

Johnnie noticed Jake's clinginess and laughed softly, continuing to pat his head. "You're such a clingy baby."

"I'm a baby!" Jake laughs, smiling up at Johnnie with love in his eyes. Johnnie smiled and kissed Jake's forehead. "Yes you are. You're my baby."

Jake couldn't help but feel butterflies in his stomach when he heard that. Johnnie pulled Jake closer and continued to kiss his forehead. He was very affectionate towards him.

"Someone's affectionate today.." Jake giggles. Johnnie chuckled and nodded. "I can't help it, you're just too cute. I can't resist."

"Oh.. but you were so annoyed with me earlier." Jake replied, chuckling.

Johnnie smirked."That was earlier. I'm not annoyed with you now. Besides, you're cute when you're mad."

"You're cuter." Jake stuck his tongue out. "I get loud when I am mad, especially when I'm super ticked off, my goodness."

"Yeah I know, it's actually funny when you're mad." Johnnie laughs.

Jake laughs along.

Johnnie smiled then leaned down and whispered in his ear. "I love you, you know that?"

"I do know that, you just told me." Jake replied, then he laughs happily.

"Well, always remember that. Because I'm not ever gonna stop." Johnnie giggles as he kissed Jake's nose.

Jake scrunched up his freckled nose when he felt the kiss, he felt happy and content with Johnnie.

For the rest of their evening, they snuggled and watched movies together.

Loving the attentiveness.

(The end)
(870 words)
(sorry if it's short D: ! )

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