☆Pranking Jake!☆

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[ Tara and Johnnie prank Jake and pretended that they slept together (⁠。⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠) Jake loses his shit! ]


"Tara!" Johnnie called as he rushed himself down the stairs to the couch where she sat.

"What?!" She snapped from being startled, looking up from her phone.

"Shh!" Johnnie chuckles. "Jake's not home right?" She sighs and leans back in the chair. "No, he's not. Why?"

Johnnie smirks. "I wanna prank him, and I need you to help me." "Prank him?" Tara perked up, intrigued. "What kind of prank?"

Johnnie glanced outside, nodding to himself in confirmation that Jake is gone since the Tesla isn't there.

He sits on the couch. "Ok so I want to prank Jake, pretending that we slept together." He makes a nervous-yet-excited smile.

She laughs."You're crazy, you know that right?" She leans forward, intrigued. "What if he gets mad?"

"Oh, pfff- it'll be fine, it'll be fine." Johnnie laughs. "He'll probably be back soon though, so let's get this prank set up."

She nods. "Okay, so what do you want me to do?". "Come with me." Johnnie gets up and grabs his camera as the two go up the steps.

She follows him up the stairs, curious about what he had planned. "He might actually be mad," Johnnie laughs out of nervousness. "You've been dating him for what? Five years?"

The woman scoffs. "More like 4, and yeah, he might be mad. I mean, Jake and I haven't slept together in a while, so it'll be a shock for him to think we did."

Johnnie snickers. "Okay okay. So, here we go." They enter his room. "I'm gonna lend you one of my hoodies, and then we gotta mess your hair up so it looks like we...." He laughs.

She rolls her eyes."You're so gross, you know that?" She chuckles, taking off her shirt, to reveal a tanktop and putting on the hoodie. "Okay, now what?"

"Woah!" Johnnie laughs, covering his face with one tatted hand. "You could've put that over your shirt but that's fine. Wait yeah, yeah yeah. And toss your shirt on the floor so it looks like , yeah."

She rolls her eyes again, but tosses her shirt on the floor. She sits on the bed and starts messing up her hair. "You're lucky I'm doing this for you."

Johnnie laughs, "And I'll just get shirtless here." He takes off his shirt and tosses it next to hers. "I'll also put a pair of my skinny jeans on the ground." He walks to his closet and grabs a pair, tossing them next to his shirt and hers.

She laughs, looking at the pile of clothes on the floor. "This is going to be hilarious when he comes back. What time is it?"

Johnnie grabs his phone, clicking it on. "1:30pm. He should be back pretty soon." He said.

She laughs again. "Okay, so when he comes in, we just...lay here and pretend to be asleep, right?"

"Nono." Johnnie laughs. "We- were gonna talk- and uh- say things like, 'oh that was so fun' 'he won't know' 'we should do it again' 'friends with benefits??' you know?"

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