☆Gingerbread House☆

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[ Jake and Johnnie make a gingerbread house as a couple! ^_^ ]


"Johnnnieeeeee!!!" Jake calls as he rushed himself up the stairs. Johnnie turns around and smiles at Jake. "Jakey! What's up? Why are you running up the stairs?"

"Because I'm excited!!!" Jake laughs as he holds up a gingerbread house box. "Let's make this shit!!" 

Johnnie laughs and runs over to Jake. "Hell yeah! Let's do it! What flavor is it?"

"What do you mean?!" Jake looks at the box. "It's fucking... ginger." He laughs as he walks down the stairs with Johnnie.

Johnnie chuckles and follows Jake downstairs. "Oh, I just thought that there would be more flavors. Like gingerbread houses that are chocolate flavored or vanilla flavored."

Jake gasped. Turning his head and looking at Johnnie. "That exists?!"

Johnnie nods. "Mhm! I saw it on TV. It looked pretty cool, but I haven't tried it yet."

"We gotta try that next time." Jake sets the box on the table and sits down with Johnnie. "Babe, we gotta make this–, this nice, you know?"

Johnnie chuckles and sits down next to Jake. "Of course, Jakey. This gingerbread house is gonna be so nice, I can already tell."

"What do you mean?! Right now it's a damn box!" Jake laughs as he grips the corner, trying to pry it open. "Stupid packaging!! Why is so hard to open?!"

Johnnie laughs and helps Jake open the box. "Here, let me help you. We'll get this thing open in no time."

"Thank youuu." Jake kisses Johnnie's cheek as the box gets opened. Johnnie blushes slightly as Jake kisses his cheek and smiles. "You're welcome, baby. Now let's get to work on this gingerbread house."

"Okay.." Jake lays out all the pieces such as the parts for the house, frosting and the little candies. "OH MY GOD THEY'RE LITTLE PEANUT BUTTER CUPS!" he started to stim, squealing and flapping his hands.

Johnnie laughs and smiles at Jake's excitement. "I know! Those are the best part about this gingerbread house. Let's get started on building the house, then we can put the candies and frosting on."

"Ok we got, peanut butter cups, m&ms, uhhh, and Hershey kisses and some red and green frosting because it's fucking Christmas and white frosting. Okay." Jake is looking at all the stuff on the table.

Johnnie grabs the gingerbread house kit and starts assembling the pieces together. "Yeah, it's gonna be a very festive gingerbread house. We'll put the frosting on last, but we should probably figure out where we're gonna put the candies first."

"Dude wait!" Jake stops him and grabs the white frosting. "Baby! We gotta seal the shit so it doesn't collapse!"

Johnnie stops and looks at Jake. "Oh, you're right! We should definitely seal it first, or else it's just gonna fall apart. Let's put the frosting on the bottom of the house and the sides of the roof."

"Okay..." Jake is hyper-focused now, trying to frost the pieces together while Johnnie is holding them in place.

Johnnie laughs and holds the pieces in place as Jake frosts them together. "This is actually really fun."

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