☆Drunk Emo☆

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Johnnie is stumbling around the house, calling out. "JAKE?!" as he began to walk up the steps, his boots echoed as he hit each step.

Jake chuckled at the sound of Johnnie's footsteps, calling out to him. "I'm up here!"

Reaching the top of the stairs, Johnnie walks himself over to Jake down the hall. "I'm so drunk, dude!" He laughs.

Jake looked up as Johnnie approached, his eyebrows rising. "Drunk? Already? It's barely past noon, dude!" He said, laughing at his friend's state.

Johnnie giggles as he wraps his arms around Jake's neck. "I just thought it.. would be nice... if I got a little fucked up, today.." He slurred his speech, giggling.

Jake laughed again, reaching up to hold Johnnie's hands. "You're a mess, man. You need to drink some water." He said, patting Johnnie's back.

"No!! I need more vodka!" Johnnie steps back and laughs, a wide intoxicated grin across his face.

Jake laughed again, shaking his head. "Johnnie, I'm not letting you have more vodka. You're already a disaster, you don't need to be worse."

"Ouhhhh.... but that's not fun!! Why aren't you drunk this afternoon?" Johnnie laughs as his body slumps onto Jake, the emo was wasted.

Jake chuckled, grabbing Johnnie by the waist to keep him from falling. "Because I'm not as lightweight as you are...and I don't wanna today." He said, shaking his head again. "Now, come on. You're going to go sit on the couch and drink some water."

"You're - TOTALLY lightweight!" Johnnie laughs, pointing his finger at Jake's chest. The two walked back down the stairs and to the couch.

Jake laughed as he sat on the couch with Johnnie. "Sure, I am. You just can't handle your alcohol, Johnnie." He said, rolling his eyes as he got up to grab a water bottle from the fridge.

Johnnie slumps onto his back, laying on the couch. He is a giggle-fit mess. Watching Jake come back with a bottle of water.

Jake walked over to the couch, sitting down next to Johnnie. "Sit up, man. You can't drink water if you're laying down." He said, nudging Johnnie to get him to sit up.

"Mhhh..." Johnnie sits himself up, grabbing the water bottle. His intoxicated smile never leaves his lips. He unscrews the cap and takes a few sips.

Jake smiled as Johnnie drank some water, leaning back on the couch. "Good boy." He said jokingly, laughing. "You're such a mess when you're drunk."

Johnnie hums, before he pours the water bottle onto Jake's head, bursting out laughing.

Jake was taken aback when Johnnie poured the water bottle on his head, his mouth dropping open. "Johnnie!" He said, trying to sound mad but unable to stop himself from laughing.

"My hand slipped...." Johnnie smiled up at Jake, tossing the empty bottle across the room.

Jake continued to laugh, shaking his head. "Sure it did, Johnnie. Sure it did." He said, wiping the water off his face.

"Now you gotta take that shirt off," Johnnie slurred as he laughs. Tilting his head to the side.

Jake's eyes widened as Johnnie said that. "Excuse me?" He said, looking at him in disbelief. "Why the hell would I take my shirt off?"

"Look!!" Johnnie points to Jake's shirt. "It's all.. wet, you gotta- gotta- um, take it off."

Jake looked down at his shirt, realizing that it was indeed wet from the water. "Fine, I'll take it off. But you're going to have to promise me something in return."

Jahnnie Drabbles☆Where stories live. Discover now