☆Playful Wrestling☆

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(Jake sits on Johnnie's back xD)

CW: sexual jokes!!/position


Johnnie is laying on his stomach on the couch. Typing and scrolling on his phone.

He doesn't notice that Jake just came back into the house. Johnnie's eyes are glued to the screen as he is laying flat on his stomach. His boot's dangling off the couch.

Jake smirked as he sat on Johnnie's back, leaning down and kissing his cheek. "Hi Johnnieee," he said, smiling.

Johnnie's mouth dropped, startled by Jake's sudden appearance and the kiss to his cheek. "HEY!" he exclaimed in shock.

Jake chuckled at Johnnie's reaction. "I didn't know you were so easily startled," he said, chuckling.

Johnnie grunts as he feels Jake's weight directly on his back, he groans as he glares up at the punk.

Jake smiles down at Johnnie, his eyes twinkling. "Aww, did I scare you?" he teases, still leaning his weight on Johnnie.

"Dude, get OFF!" Johnnie laughs as he tries to push Jake off but to no success.
Jake laughs as he feels Johnnie's efforts to push him off.

"You're cute when you're struggling, you know that?" he says, running his fingers through Johnnie's hair. "Now, come on, I just want a little cuddle..."

Johnnie scoffs. Setting his phone down, grunting. "Fuck you're heavy.." he laughs.

Jake chuckles, feeling Johnnie's muscles tense beneath him. "Oh, am I too heavy for you?" he asks, a teasing edge to his voice. "You're not going to try and flip me over, are you?"

Jake laughs as he feels Johnnie attempt to flip him over, his body not budging an inch.

"You're cute when you try, but you're definitely not going to be able to flip me," he says, a smirk on his face. "Besides, I like this position..."

Johnnie felt suddenly flustered, he shouts again. "DUDE, GET THE FUCK OFF ME!" As he lets out a flustered laugh. "You're dick is touching my ass!"

Jake laughs again, not moving an inch. "Oh, am I making you uncomfortable, Johnnie?" he asks, his tone playful. "Maybe I should stay right here..."

"Oh my fucking God..." Johnnie hides his face on the couch, laughing. Jake grins, finding Johnnie's reaction adorable. "Aww, are you embarrassed?" he teases, still not moving from his position on top of Johnnie. "Don't worry, I'm not judging you..."

"You're sitting directly on my back!" Johnnie scoffed as he lifted his head, which caused his fluffy teased emo hair to fall back a bit from the movement.

"Well, it's not my fault you're so comfortable," Jake says, smirking. "You know, I could stay here for a while... maybe even the night."

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Johnnie groans as he tries to do a pushup with Jake on him, shockingly he lifted a little bit up but he collapsed back on the couch. "Fuck." He pants a bit.

Jake laughs as he feels Johnnie try to do a pushup, his body shaking with the effort. "You're not going to be able to get rid of me that easily," he says, wrapping his arms around Johnnie's torso and pulling him close. "You're stuck with me for the rest of the night."

"You know, that wasn't as bad as I thought.. I didn't expect me to even push up a bit with your weight on me." Johnnie laughs as he feels Jake pull him closer, which arches his back a bit. "Jake...if this was a video, this would be so fucking WEIRD!" he laughs.

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