☆Weighted Blanket☆

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[ a wholesome moment between Jake and Johnnie and the weighted blanket<33 ]

(⁠♡⁠ω⁠♡⁠ ⁠)⁠


Jake is getting ready for bed. He flicks off his mood lights, making it completely dark. As he walks to his bed and yawns, ready for bed.

Jake suddenly hears a noise outside his bedroom door. He listens closely, wondering what it could be.

Rolling his eyes, Jake walks over to the door and opens it. "Oh, hey Johnnie."

Johnnie was standing outside of the door, smiling at Jake. He was wearing his usual emo attire. "Hey, Jake. Mind if I come in?"

"Uh sure dude, I was about to go to bed. But yeah." Jake replied, allowing Johnnie inside.

Johnnie walks in and looks around the room. "Nice room you got here, man." He looks at Jake and smiles.."So, you gonna sleep? Or are you gonna stay up with me?"

"Depends." Jake snickers as he plops on his bed. "If you can keep me Awake."

Johnnie smirks and sits on the edge of the bed. "I think I can do that..So, what do you wanna do?"

"Sleep." Jake laughs as he is laying down, he pulls his weighted blanket up. "Johnnie, come lay with me and try this blanket out."

Johnnie pulls the blanket over himself and Jake, feeling the weight on top of him. "Wow, this is so comfy. You're right, this blanket is amazing." He leans closer to Jake, smiling.

"Yeah, I like it. It's comforting and I like the pressure of it." Jake nods in agreement. "It helps anxiety and stuff like that." He lays his head on Johnnie's chest, yawning.

Johnnie wraps his arms around Jake and pulls him closer. "I get it. I have anxiety too, so this blanket is definitely something I could get used to. It's nice to be close to you, though. It's relaxing."

Jake nods, a sleepy look in his eyes. His 70s shaggy mullet is draped across Johnnie's chest.

Johnnie runs his fingers through Jake's hair, enjoying the feeling of the soft strands between his fingers. He smiles down at Jake, watching him slowly fall asleep. Jake jolts himself awake, "noooo..."

Johnnie chuckles softly and pulls Jake closer to him. "Hey, don't worry. You can fall asleep. I'll keep you safe. I promise."
"Hey. Gimmie more of that blanket, you're hogging it." Jake says sleepily, rubbing an eye.

Johnnie chuckles again and pulls the blanket up so that it covers Jake completely. He smiles at him, looking into his eyes. "Better?"

Jake shifts his gaze as he nods his head. "Mhm." hums in response.

Johnnie continues to play with Jake's hair, running his fingers through it gently. He looks at Jake with a soft smile on his face, admiring his beauty.

Jake's face softens, he starts to hyper-focus on the feeling. Not focusing on anything else.

Johnnie can tell that Jake is starting to fall asleep again. He leans down and kisses Jake's forehead gently, wanting to give him the comfort he needs.

Jake reopened his eyes when he felt the forehead kiss. Groggily saying, "You kissed my forehead.. usually I'm the affectionate one."

Johnnie chuckles and smiles at Jake. "I just couldn't help myself. You looked so peaceful and I wanted to show you how much I care about you."

"I care about you too, dude." Jake smiled as his eyes started to close again.

Johnnie's heart flutters. He pulls Jake closer to him and holds him tight, enjoying the warmth of their bodies pressed together. He closes his eyes, feeling happy and content.

Jake and Johnnie are cuddling together in the weighted blanket. It felt warm and cozy.

Johnnie starts to drift off to sleep, feeling safe and comfortable in Jake's arms. He nuzzles his head into Jake's chest, taking in his scent and enjoying the closeness between them.

A soft drizzle of rain occurs outside as the two alternative styled men sleep and cuddle with each other.

The sound of the rain on the roof lulls Johnnie to sleep even further. He pulls Jake even closer, wanting to be as close to him as possible. His breathing becomes deep and even, indicating that he's fast asleep.

Jake's breathing is the same, he is in a deep sleep as well. He missed cuddling someone, and this really helped him out

Johnnie's hand slowly moves up and down Jake's back as he sleeps. It's a comforting gesture, showing Jake that he's there for him and that he's not going anywhere.

He's glad that he could provide some comfort to Jake, and he hopes that he's able to do it again in the future. Jake and Johnnie are happy and fast asleep in each other's arms, snuggled up.

Johnnie and Jake are wrapped up in the heavy weighted blanket. The blanket is thick and soft, providing a cozy feeling that makes them feel safe and secure.

The blanket is also obviously weighted, which helps to calm them down and make them feel relaxed. Johnnie's body is pressed against Jake's, and he can feel Jake's warmth and comforting presence.

Happy and safe as they rest in togetherness.

(The end)
(860 words)

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