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[ Bryan kidnaps Johnnie and Jake has to save him and find him!!! D: ]

^(my reaction to what i just wrote)



It's a usual party night, Johnnie is out with Jake and having a blast at the party. Even though he's socially awkward and hangs out in the corners of parties and drinks, he still has a great time with the punk.

Jake was having the time of his life at the party, dancing and talking to everyone, he was even doing a bit of flirting. As the night went on, he drank more and more, having the time of his life with the thrill of being buzzed.

Johnnie noticed Jake, he drunkly shouted. "Hey!"  with a wide grin across his face.

Jake turned to see Johnnie, and a smile spread across his face. He stumbled over to him, still drunk and still smiling. "Hey, man! Having a good time?"

Johnnie gave Jake thumbs up as he nodded his head. "Uh-huh!!" As he gets up from where he is seated, "I'll be back!"

"Oh, where are you going?" Jake asked, his voice slurred. He was starting to get a little worried that Johnnie might be leaving him alone.

"Bathroom! I'll be back in like two minutes!" Johnnie laughs as he squeezes Jake's shoulder and then disappears into the crowd. His leather jacket shined nicely against the strobing lights and colors.

"Okay, I'll be here!" Jake called after him. He was starting to feel a bit lonely now that Johnnie had left. He decided to find something to distract himself while he waited.

As Johnnie walked, suddenly he was grabbed to the side and his mouth covered. His emo eyes widen in surprise as he tries to fight the guy off, but it wasn't working.

Bryan had been watching the party from the shadows, waiting for the right moment to strike.

He had seen Johnnie go to the bathroom, and had followed him, knowing that he would be alone and vulnerable.

As he approached, he covered Johnnie's mouth with his hand, preventing him from calling for help.

"MMF!" Johnnie muffled and screamed as he tried to fight this guy off, he didn't know who he was yet, but he did have a much stronger grip surprisingly compared to Johnnie.

Bryan chuckled as Johnnie struggled against him. He tightened his grip on Johnnie's mouth and pulled him closer, pressing his body against his. "You're not going anywhere, sweetheart," he whispered in his ear.

Johnnie's eyes snapped open and wide when he heard that. He recognizes the voice immediately. His body froze in shock.

Bryan's voice was unmistakable, and Johnnie knew exactly who it was. He tried to speak, but his mouth was still covered.

He could feel Bryan's hot breath on his neck as he whispered again. "It's been a long time, hasn't it?"

Johnnie tried to break free again, but he was unsuccessful. How the fuck can he not break free?! He has no idea and it was freaking him out now, his anxiety was starting to overpower him.

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