☆Age Regression☆

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[ Johnnie slips into little space in front of Jake :3 if this makes you uncomfortable, please skip. ]


Johnnie is secretly an age regressor, because of his traumatic past, it revolved into him regressing as an adult. At the moment, he is in little space, curled up on the couch, and subconsciously suckling on his thumb.

Jake is surprised to see Johnnie sucking on his thumb, but he's also intrigued. He walks over to the couch and sits down next to him. "Hey, buddy. Are you feeling alright?"

Johnnie immediately moves his hand away, he looks up at Jake. Nodding his head, he was too nervous to talk.

Jake smiles warmly at Johnnie. "It's okay, you don't have to talk if you don't want to. Do you want me to help you with something?" He reaches out and gently rubs Johnnie's back.

He feels Jake rubbing his back, which makes him slip deeper into this space. Johnnie shakes his head side to side, 'No.' He was worried Jake was going to judge him, and he's afraid to ask or say anything.

Jake senses that Johnnie is feeling anxious, and he wants to make him feel comfortable. He scoots a little closer and puts his arm around him. "Hey, don't worry. You can trust me. I won't judge you for anything."

Johnnie felt his eyes water, he let out a small whine in nervousness. He shakes his head just like that again, like a child.

Jake notices the whine and realizes that Johnnie is even more vulnerable than he thought. He tightens his grip around him and whispers, "It's okay, buddy. I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to make sure you're alright."

"Jakey?" Johnnie hesitantly spoke up, his voice sounded high pitched and child-like. He felt so scared and nervous that Jake was going to hate him for being a little.

Jake's heart melts when he hears Johnnie call him "Jakey." He smiles and nods his head. "Yeah, it's me, buddy. Don't worry, I'm not going to hate you or judge you. You're safe with me."

Johnnie suddenly felt much safer. "Jakey," his voice still sounded high pitched and squeaky. "I'm a wittle." he says in baby-talk. Feeling his heart race from anxiety.

Jake can't help but smile as Johnnie speaks in baby-talk. It's adorable, and he feels so much affection for him. "Yeah?. And that's okay. I'm not going to treat you any differently because of it." He rubs Johnnie's back again and pulls him into a hug.

Johnnie laughs happily as he hugs Jake. "Jakey wuv me!" Jake chuckles and squeezes Johnnie tightly. "Yes, I do, buddy. I love you very much. And I'll always be here for you, no matter what."

He kisses Johnnie on the forehead and pulls away from the hug. "Do you want me to get you something to drink? Maybe some juice or milk?"

Johnnie thinks, "Juice!" he gasped, standing up and walking into the kitchen. "Ooh." He grabs a bottle of Jack Daniels.

Jake's eyes widen when he sees Johnnie grab the bottle of Jack Daniels. "Hey, buddy, that's not juice. That's alcohol. You shouldn't be drinking that. You're still a little."

Johnnie pouts, stomping his foot a little. Puffing his cheeks up as his emo eyes stared up at Jake.

Jake can't help but laugh at Johnnie's adorable pout. "Oh, come on, don't give me that look. I'm just trying to look out for you. I don't want you to get hurt or make yourself sick." He walks over to Johnnie and gently takes the bottle away from him.

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