☆Jake's Zyns☆

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[ Jake started Zyns ! ]

CW: talking about nicotine products


Jake is sitting on the couch, bouncing his leg as he is looking around the room. He just got back home from streaming in his car.

Looking around, he noticed Johnnie in the kitchen. "Johnnie!!!" Jake called, a smile began to rise on his face.

Johnnie turns around and sees Jake, smiling widely and waving at him. He comes over and hugs him.

Jake springs up from the couch and hugs Johnnie. "You actually hugged me!" He laughs.

Johnnie chuckles. "I'm in a good mood."
"That's a first," Jake teased. Before he laughs.

Jake flops back on the couch with Johnnie. "I'm bored." He says, before dangling his head off the couch.

Johnnie laughs. "What do you wanna do then? Play a game?" "Noo." Jake sits back up. "My hairs fucked up." He ruffles his mullet, fluffing it back up.

Johnnie laughs again and pats Jake's head. "You look cute with your hair like that." He teases.

"Such a gentleman, today." Jake teased. Before he laughs again. He gets up and grabs his keys. "I'm gonna be back, I need to do somethingggggg."

Johnnie chuckles and nods. "Okay. I'll be here. Try not to get into trouble, alright?" He says, winking at Jake.

"Alrighty!!!" Jake winks back, laughing as he exits the house and leaves. Johnnie smiles as he watches Jake leave. After a while, he goes back to the kitchen to get a drink.

Jake drives himself to 7-eleven, he gets himself a bag of gummy worms, and some zyns. Then he leaves the little store and heads back into his car.

While Jake is gone, Johnnie finishes his drink and starts to get tired. He sits on the couch and turns on the TV, flipping through the channels until he finds a show he likes. He leans back and relaxes, waiting for Jake to come back.

The Tesla pulls back into the driveway. Jake exits and comes inside. He sits on the couch next to Johnnie. Tossing the small box of Zyns on the coffee table.

Johnnie turns his head to look at Jake, raising an eyebrow at the box of Zyns. "What are those for?" He asks, gesturing to the box.

"To help me." Jake simply replied, opening the package of gumny worms, snacking on them as his eyes look at the TV.

Johnnie nods and looks back at the TV, not wanting to push Jake into talking about it if he didn't want to. He leans his head on Jake's shoulder and continues watching the show.

"What show is this?" Jake asks as he pops another gummy worm in his mouth.
"I don't know, some sitcom." Johnnie says, shrugging. "I'm not really paying attention to it. I just like the background noise." He chuckles.

Jake shifts as he fed Johnnie a gummy worm. "Makes sense." He replied.
Johnnie smiles as he takes the gummy worm, eating it and leaning his head back on Jake's shoulder again. "You're really sweet." He says softly, his voice almost a whisper.

"Sweet? Like a gummy worm?" Jake looks over, laughing a bit. Johnnie chuckles and nods.."Yes, like a gummy worm. You're sweet like a gummy worm." He says, turning to face Jake and smiling.

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