☆More Teasing!!!☆

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[ more wholesomeness yay!!!! ]

cw:heavy kisses!!


Johnnie is leaning back on the couch, eyes glued onto his phone. He had a relaxed expression on his face.

Jake sat down next to him, a smirk on his face. Johnnie didn't seem to notice for a moment, before he turned his head. "Hi." He mutters.

Jake leans over and kisses his cheek, a teasing smile on his face. "Hi, sweetheart."

Johnnie felt a smile rise to his face when he heard that. "Hiii," he says again, this time more with love in the tone.
Jake pulls him close and rests his head on his shoulder. "How are you feeling? I see you're a little drunk."

"Little bit. Took a few shots." Johnnie scrolls on his phone, bored-ly looking at stuff.

Jake chuckles and wraps his arm around him. "I think you should put the phone away. I'd like to have your attention for a while."

Johnnie hums, "And if I don't?" he asked, smiling as he kept scrolling. Eyes glued to it.

Jake smirks and starts to tickle him, trying to make him drop his guard.

"JAKE!" Johnnie exclaimed, laughing as his phone slides out of his hand, he shoves Jake. "DONT!"

Jake laughs and tackles him to the couch, pinning him down. He takes the phone and holds it up, out of his reach. "I win. What do I get as a prize?"

Johnnie blushes a bit as he gets pinned down on the couch. "A kiss." He replied, gasping as he leans up and pecks Jake's lips.

Jake's face turns red, and he leans down to kiss him back, but this time more passionately. He presses his body against his, making sure that he can't escape.

Johnnie pulls back, flustered. "We...are a bit close, aren't we?" Jake smirks. "Maybe a little bit. Do you mind?" Johnnie shakes his head, blushing.

Jake smiles and kisses his neck. "Good, because I don't mind at all. I love being this close to you."

"Get, Up!" Johnnie laughs as he tries to push Jake up, but the punk weighs much more than he does.

Jake laughs and doesn't budge, continuing to kiss his neck.."No. You're not going anywhere."

"Mm..." Johnnie holds a smile back, as his hands are playing with the back of Jake's hair.

Jake's breath hitches when he feels his hands on his hair, and he bites his lip, trying to stay focused. "You like that, huh?"

"Shut up!" Johnnie laughs, as he playfully kicks Jake's back with his boot. Jake yelps and jumps up, rubbing his back. "Ow! You little-" He lunges at him, grabbing his wrists and pinning them down. "How about I get you back for that?"

Johnnie laughs as he gets pinned down on the couch again. He squirms with a smile on his face. "I don't know, how are ya?" he says in a teasing tone.

Jake grins. "I'm going to tickle you until you can't breathe." He starts tickling his stomach, trying to get a reaction out of him.

"NOOOO! FUCK YOU, JAKE!" Johnnie squirms around, laughing. His laughter filling the room.

Jake stops tickling and moves his hands up to his face, gently caressing his cheeks. "You're cute when you're squirming."

Johnnie holds back his laughter, before he bit his lip for a second. Jake chuckles and grabs his face, kissing him deeply. He holds him close, his hands running through his hair.

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