☆Night Walk Downtown☆

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[ They're walking home from a partyy :D ]
[ CW: smoking]


Johnnie and Jake are currently out one night, roaming the streets of LA. It was unusually quiet, barely any cars and people were present.

Johnnie and Jake had just left a party. It was late at night, and the streets were nearly empty. The cool breeze of the night air felt refreshing on their skin as they walked along the sidewalk.

"Dude, there's hardly anyone." Johnnie pointed out, stumbling a bit on his feet but he caught himself.

"Yeah, it's weird," Jake agreed, "I'm glad we got out of that party though. It was getting pretty loud."

"Were you getting overstimulated?" Johnnie suddenly asked, looking towards Jake with concern.

Jake nodded, "Yeah, a little bit. I don't like being in big crowds. Especially loud ones."

"Yeah I know, I don't either. You were pretty nonverbal there." Johnnie points out as he walks down the sidewalk with Jake.

"I was?" Jake asked, not realizing that he was that quiet. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be."

"Oh don't worry about it. I mean, i was pretty awkward there too. Only a few friends we knew were there." Johnnie responded. Glancing at Jake's hand as they walked.

Jake noticed Johnnie's glance at his hand and instinctively grabbed it. He squeezed it gently and smiled at Johnnie.

A bit of blush rises across Johnnie's face, but he doesn't mind. He has held Jake's hand many times before and it doesn't bother him. He gave a gentle squeeze. "Dude, it's so weird. I've never seen LA this quiet before."

"It's like we're in a whole different world," Jake said, looking around at the empty streets. "It's kinda peaceful, don't you think?"

"Yeah, it's like peaceful. But also kinda creepy," Johnnie laughs as he lets go of Jake's hand and hugs his tatted arm instead.

Jake laughed as well and put his arm around Johnnie's shoulder. "It's not that creepy, we're just used to being in a loud, bustling city. I think it's nice."

"Does this remind you of Kansas or something?" Johnnie laughs, "You're from there, what was it like?" He asked for walks with Jake. His emo boots echoed as his feet hit the pavement.

Jake chuckled and nodded, "Yeah, it kinda does. It was a lot more quiet than LA.."

"Do you prefer living here?" Johnnie asked, stopping his steps. He turned his head and looked up at Jake.

Jake laughed and squeezed Johnnie's shoulder. "I actually really like LA. It's a lot different from Kansas, but I think it's nice. I'm glad I moved here."

"Well you still do visit your family and stuff." Johnnie laughs as he looks around, "I'm just worried about being mugged out here."

"you're with me. If anyone tries to mug us, I'll just punch them in the face," Jake said, laughing. "I won't let anyone hurt you."

Johnnie laughs, "Or you'll just panic like me." He replied, rolling his eyes. "When you drive around and a stranger talks to you, you barely open your window, a small little crack." He teased.

Jake laughed again and gave Johnnie a playful nudge. "Hey, I'm not that bad. I just don't like talking to strangers, but I'm at least respectful. But if I need to, I can defend myself. I'm not completely helpless, you know."

"Yeah, I know. I'm teasing you. It's going right over your head." Johnnie snickers, hugging on Jake's arm as the two walk.

Jake rolled his eyes playfully and hugged Johnnie back. "I knew you were teasing me. You're such a jerk," he said, grinning.

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