☆Stubborn Boy☆

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"Jake?!" Johnnie called as he was heading up the stairs, his emo boots echoing as he was heading up the stairs.

Jake chuckled softly, seeing him walk up the stairs. "Heyyy, Johnnie boy..."

Johnnie pinched the bridge of his nose, smiling a bit. "Hi," he lifts his head, looking up at Jake.

Jake smiles back, a little buzzed. "Hey, you okay? You look a little tired."

"I'm a little tired. You look a bit drunk." Johnnie responded, shaking his head as he walked past Jake.

Jake chuckles. "You're not wrong. I had a bit." He follows him putting his arm around Johnnie.

Johnnie stops his steps. He leans his back against Jake. His back against Jake's chest, he lifts his head. "You've been drinking more recently than usual, you okay?"

Jake sighs, rubbing his back. "I've been stressed out lately. There's just been a lot going on." He pauses, looking down at him. "But I'm fine, I promise."

"You sure?" Johnnie's eyebrows shifted into a furrow. His eyebrow piercing poked up from the movement. His blue eyes sparkled with concern.

Jake chuckles again. "You're really sweet, you know that?" He runs his fingers through Johnnie's hair. "Yes, I'm sure. Just some work stuff, you know how it is."

"Hate comments?" Johnnie asks as he turns around and looks up at the taller. His hair looked super good this evening, all teased and poofed up.

Jake smiles, nodding. "Yeah, you know me too well." He kisses the top of his head, then looks into those blue eyes. "But I've got you, right?"

"Yeah dude, you're my best friend." Johnnie replied, a little smile rising to his face before it fades. It was obvious the hate was getting to him too.

Jake pulls him into a hug, squeezing him tightly. "You're my best friend too, dude. And you're the only person I need. I don't care about the haters."

"I mean, it doesn't matter..but it still drains me." Johnnie suddenly looked more exhausted.

Jake strokes the black emo hair, trying to comfort. "I know it does. But just remember, you're doing what you love. That's all that matters. And you're amazing at it."

"Am I though?" Johnnie scrunched his face at the thought. Before he shakes his head and walks away from Jake.

Jake follows after him, grabbing his arm to stop him."Johnnie, wait."

Johnnie froze and turned his head. "what?"

Jake looks into those blue eyes, his expression soft and caring. "You are amazing. You're talented, funny, and you work so hard. You're the reason why I'm here today. You inspire me every day. Don't let those haters bring you down."

Johnnie just laughs a bit. "My God, stop talking like a damn spokesman." He shakes his head again, walking off to his room and shutting the door.

Jake sighs, leaning against the wall outside of the emo male's room "You're so stubborn. You know that?" He calls out, knocking on the door.

"Get away from my door!" Johnnie replied, sitting in his swivel seat. He was being stubborn, but that was given.

Jake leans against the door, waiting for him to open it."I'm not leaving until you let me in. We're talking about this."

"Suck my dick," Johnnie replied, clicking around on his computer. Trying to ignore Jake.

Jake snickers, amused by the response "I'm flattered, but no thanks. C'mon, just let me in. I'm worried about you."

Jahnnie Drabbles☆Where stories live. Discover now