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Request: 1Emogurl1

[ Johnnie wears a new cologne and Jake gets all clingy because he loves how he smells <333 ]

CW: Heavy kisses involved!!!

Johnnie sprayed some new cologne on himself while he was streaming on twitch. "What kind?" He reads one of the chat's questions. "I don't fucking remember, uhh," He looks at the bottle. "..I can't read this. but it smells super good, yeah."

"Mm, it smells good..." Jake said, leaning in closer to Johnnie and burying his face into his neck.

"Ouh, shit!-" Johnnie got startled as he laughed. "Jake- I-im streaming," he stammered a bit. "When did you come in?"

"Oh, uh, just a second ago..." Jake chuckled softly, pulling back slightly, but still keeping his arms around Johnnie's waist. "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt..."

Johnnie cleared his throat, and jabbed Jake's side. Because the fans have no idea. The chat began going nuts and saying hi to Jake.

Jake jumped slightly as Johnnie jabbed him, laughing softly. He waved to the twitch camera on Johnnie's computer, "Hi guys, I'm Jake..."

"They know you, dumbass." Johnnie laughs. "What does it smell like?" He reads a question. "Uh," He shifts and picks up the cologne bottle.

"Like, mint, vanilla and uhhh, typical cologne smell. whatever that is in your interp-prehretation." he pronounced the word a bit wrong.

"Hey, don't call me a dumbass!" Jake playfully said.

"You're a dummy." Johnnie replied, smiling. His emo makeup eyes softened as he looked at Jake for a moment before looking back at his twitch chat.

"You love me." Jake replied, leaning in to kiss Johnnie on the cheek.

The chat goes wild, saying things like "SHIP" and "Date already!!".

Johnnie rolled his eyes, and the two of them laughed as they read the comments.

Johnnie rests his chin onto his hands, reading the chat. "Update?" he read the chat. "Uh, well Jake's gonna have a new song coming out soon.. and, I just got some new tattoos done." He shows his hand, "Ooohhhh, like barbwire on my knuckles here."

"That's sick!" Jake said, admiring the tattoos on Johnnie's knuckles. "Thank you," Johnnie turns his head to look at Jake. Smiling a bit. Before he turned his head and clicked on his computer while he streams.

Jake smiled back, before leaning over Johnnie's shoulder and peering at his computer. "Whatcha doing?"

Johnnie shrugged, before he glanced at the chat again. "Oh my God...they're shipping like crazy right now, this isn't gonna help with the rumours." He laughs.

"Oh, what rumours?" Jake asked, looking at the chat as well. He noticed the amount of "Johnnie!!!!" and "Jake x Johnnie" comments, and he laughed.

"Yeah, those rumors." Johnnie pushed Jake's head up, giggling. "Hey, hey! That's not nice!" Jake protested, though he was still laughing. "And what's wrong with those rumors? I think they're cute."

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