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[ Jake keeps making Johnnie blush!!!! (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+ ]

Heavy kisses, heavy touches (No smut though.)

Johnnie is currently working on his computer, editing and such. As he edits on his computer, he can't help but blush a little when he sees Jake on his screen.

Jake smiles softly, running his fingers through Johnnie's hair. He looks over his shoulder at the computer screen, trying to see what he is  working on.

Johnnie got startled, since he had no idea Jake entered the room. He lets out a small yell in surprise. "Oh shit!"

Jake laughed as he squeezed Johnnie tightly. “You’re too easy to scare, wait is that my shirt?…” He whispered, planting a kiss on his neck.

Johnnie felt more flustered. "Hey...." He muttered as he was clicking around on his computer with his mouse. His back is facing Jake since he is facing the monitor.

Jake pulled back and smiled, resting his chin on Johnnie’s shoulder. “You didn’t answer my question though… is that my shirt?”

"Maybe," Johnnie replied, wearing the leopard themed shirt that belongs to Jake.  Clicking around on his computer as he is editing stuff into the video.

Jake laughed again, running his fingers through Johnnie’s hair. “You look cute in it, but you know I can’t let you keep it…”

Johnnie felt so flustered right now. He hasn't seen Jake act like this before. "I'm just borrowing it." he replied, flustered in his tone.

“Borrowing it?” Jake chuckled. “I don’t think so… I think you’re keeping it.” "–Is that okay?" Johnnie saves and exits his editing software. Turning his swivel seat to face Jake.

Jake nodded and stepped closer to him, running his hands along his thighs. “Yeah, it’s okay… but I think I want something in return…”

Johnnie stiffens a bit when he feels Jake's hands on his thighs that are covered by the black skinny jeans. "And what's that?" he asked in a flustered tone.

Jake smirked and leaned in closer to Johnnie’s face. “I think you know what I want…”

"A kiss?" Johnnie giggles, a smile creeping up on his lips.  Jake chuckled and nodded, bringing his face closer to Johnnie’s. “You know me so well…” He whispered, leaning in for the kiss.

Johnnie leaned his head up and connected his lips with Jake's. Before pulling back, his pale complexion was a little bit reddish pink.

Jake pulled away from the kiss and looked at Johnnie with a smile. “Your face is red…” He teased, ruffling his hair.

"Shut up," Johnnie stubbornly replied. Rolling his eyes, and turning more red. "Now, you got your kiss. Now go away." He snickers.

“You’re so cute when you’re mad.” Jake laughed, squeezing his cheeks and planting a quick kiss on his pierced nose. “And no, I’m not going anywhere.”

"Ughh, you suck." Johnnie laughs as he gets up from his chair. "Fine, I'll leave my own room. and you can sit here. All by yourself." He teased, walking out.

“Hey! Wait!” Jake called after him, following him out of the room. “Come back!”

"Can't hear ya!" Johnnie laughs as he is walking down the hallway.  Jake ran up behind him and grabbed his waist, spinning him around. “I said come back!” He laughed, pulling him close.

Johnnie giggles as he scrunches up his face in happiness. He pecks Jake's lips. "Someone's clingy today, and it's not me."

“Shut up…” Jake grumbled, wrapping his arms around Johnnie’s waist. “You’re the clingy one, I’m just making sure you don’t run off.”

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