☆Panic Attack☆

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[ Johnnie has a social anxiety attack at a party and Jake helps him! <3 ]

cw: anxiety(obv), graphic detail on the attack itself! And v0mit!


Johnnie and Jake are currently at a party. The emo however was dragged to it, rather than willingly going. Because he has been socially isolating for weeks, and Jake dragged him along to this party.

The two are currently separated, Johnnie is seated in a corner of the party, drinking and such, trying to get his anxiety down. But it wasn't working. Meanwhile Jake is partying with other friends and such.

Jake looked around the party, but couldn't find Johnnie. He began to get a bit anxious himself, not knowing where the emo boy was.

Jake then began to look around, searching for him. He eventually found him in the corner of the room, drinking and looking very uncomfortable.

Jake walked over to him and sat down beside him. "Hey... are you okay?" Jake asked, his tone gentle and concerned.

Johnnie didn't respond, his hands are visibly shaking. He just sets his glass down and hides his face in his arms. He felt like the walls were closing in on him, his heart was racing, and his breathing began to become rapid.

Jake's eyes widened as he saw Johnnie's behavior. He gently put his arm around him and pulled him into a hug. "Shhh... it's okay... you're safe..." Jake said, trying to comfort him.

He knew that Johnnie had anxiety and that being at a party with a lot of people was a lot for him to handle. Jake continued to hold him, rubbing his back gently.

"Ca-can we ge-get the fuck outta he-here?!" Johnnie yelled in a panic, pulling away from Jake and hyperventilating.

Jake was startled by Johnnie's sudden outburst, but he quickly stood up and took his hand. "Yeah, let's go..." he said, trying to keep his voice calm.

He led Johnnie outside of the party, making sure to stay close to him. "I'm so sorry... I shouldn't have dragged you here..." Jake said, feeling guilty.

Johnnie's hand is visibly shaking in Jake's. His emo hair is sticking to his forehead from the amount of sweat. His heart aches and he feels overwhelmed.

Suddenly when they got outside, he crouched down and vomited his alcoholic drink out onto the grass.

Jake was taken aback by Johnnie's sudden sickness, but he quickly bent down beside him and held his hair back.

"Are you okay? Do you need anything?" Jake asked, his voice full of worry and concern. He was glad that they were outside now, away from the loud music and crowds of people.

He continued to hold Johnnie's hand, trying to comfort him.

Johnnie coughs for a moment, before puking out more. He was vomiting from his anxiety and because he drank a lot.

Jake continued to hold Johnnie's hair back as he vomited, feeling bad that he couldn't do more to help him.

He rubbed his back gently, trying to comfort him as best he could. "I'm sorry, baby... I'm so sorry..." Jake said softly, still holding his hand.

Jahnnie Drabbles☆Where stories live. Discover now