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[ Johnnie is having a freak-out over his dyslexia and Jake comforts him.<3 ]


Johnnie is currently reading an article online, but most of the words are not clicking in his brain. He squinted at the screen, before he shifted and grabbed his glasses.

Johnnie adjusted his glasses, hoping that they would help him understand the words on the screen. However, despite his best efforts, he still struggled to make sense of the article.

He began to feel frustrated and overwhelmed, his dyslexia causing him to feel as if he were failing at a simple task.

"C'mon.. I need to learn this shit so i can add it into my damn video for next week." Johnnie grumbled to himself, but he still wasn't processing it.

Johnnie continued to read the article, his frustration mounting with each word he struggled to comprehend.

He felt like he was letting his audience down, unable to provide them with quality content due to his dyslexia. He started to question whether he was even cut out for this line of work.

Johnnie sighs as he feels overwhelmed, scrolling and clicking around on his computer before he exits the article.

He was gonna film a video about some deep and interesting topic, but it just wasn't processing through and he had to scratch that idea.

Johnnie took a break from reading the article and tried to come up with another topic for his video.

He felt defeated, unable to find anything that would be interesting enough to his audience. He began to wonder if he should just give up on creating videos altogether. He takes his glasses off and sets them down on the desk.

A wash of depression crept over Johnnie, as he got up and left his room. He walks downstairs and hears Jake in the kitchen.

Johnnie walks downstairs and finds Jake in the kitchen, cooking dinner. He's humming a tune to himself as he stirs something in a pot on the stove.

Johnnie doesn't say anything, but Jake can sense that something is wrong.
Smelling the scent of macaroni and cheese, that did pick Johnnie's interest. But he just sat at the kitchen table. Scrolling on his phone, mindlessly.

Jake notices that Johnnie is scrolling on his phone and not talking to him. He finishes cooking the mac and cheese and brings two bowls over to the table. He sets one down in front of Johnnie and sits down across from him.

Clicking his phone off, Johnnie sets it on the table. He begins to eat his food in silence, thinking to himself that he was a horrible YouTuber and that he was boring.

Jake can tell that Johnnie is upset about something, but he doesn't want to push him to talk about it if he doesn't want to. He eats his own food in silence, occasionally glancing up at Johnnie.

"You okay?" Johnnie asked Jake, noticing his silence. Even though he was struggling right now, he was still the sweetest and putting others before himself.

Jake was surprised that Johnnie was the one to break the silence. He looked up from his food and smiled at Johnnie. "I'm fine. Just worried about you."

Jahnnie Drabbles☆Where stories live. Discover now