☆Jake Fakes His Death!☆

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[ Jake pranks Johnnie by making himself look realistically dead and it freaks Johnnie out!!! 0-O ]


"Okay.. Carrington!" Jake calls up the stairs, cupping his hands so his yell enhances.

Carrington walks down the stairs and smiles at Jake. "What's up?"

"Ok, so you know how Johnnie is out right now filming a YouTube video? Ok well I think this is the perfect time to prank his ass." Jake grins.

Carrington laughs. "Yeah, he's out with his camera man filming for a video. What are you thinking?"

"Okay." Jake laughs a bit, bouncing around the room before he screeches in excitement from the idea in his head.

Carrington looks at him, curious. "What's your plan?"

Jake calms himself. "So the prank is that I wanna make it look like I'm fucking.. dead. like blood everywhere type murder scene dead."

Carrington raises an eyebrow. "Wow!! that's dark. What's the catch? How are you gonna do it?"

"You gotta help me!"Jake giggles and claps his hands. 

Carrington gets excited. "So what do I have to do? I'm ready to help."
"Ok so I just got back from the store and I bought ummm." Jake walks over to the couch, picking up a bag of stuff. "A fresh kitchen knife, fake blood, like a shit ton of it, uhhhh, scissors, and uhhhh some makeup we can make like bruises and such on me."

Carrington looks at the stuff Jake bought. "This is gonna be good. Are we filming it?"

"Not gonna film because I want this to be as authentic as possible." Jake snickers. "But c'mon we gotta do this fast cuz Johnnie is coming home in two hours, he probably finished his video and now he's most likely doing music stuff now."

Carrington nods. "Got it. So where are we doing this? Your bedroom? Or the living room?"

"Id say the bedroom because then we can trickle like blood down the hall and the stairs." Jake flaps his hands and lets out an excited squeal.

Carrington laughs at his excitement. "Alright, let's do it. But you're gonna have to clean up the mess when Johnnie gets home. I'm not doing that."

"Fine!" Jake laughs as he quickly went upstairs with the stuff and Carrington follows.

Carrington follows him into the bedroom and watches him set everything up.
Jake changes into his white tanktop and plaid PJs. He picks up the bottle of fake blood and starts to apply it to himself. "Ohhh stickyyyy."

Carrington watches him with amusement. "That stuff is really sticky, isn't it?"

"Yeah, here put some on this knife."Jake hands Carrington the knife. Carrington takes the knife and applies some of the fake blood to it.."There. I think that's enough."

"Ok now add a fuck ton to my back. so it looks like I got," Jake makes the sign in the air of being stabbed. "Shanked."

Carrington nods and starts adding fake blood to Jake's back. "How much do you want? Should I stop now?"

"Make it as realistic as possible!" Jake laughs as he picks up the eyeshadow palette, using the colors to make bruises and such.

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