☆Jake's Autism☆

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[ Jake finally gets diagnosed and evaluated and tells Johnnie ! (⁠*⁠'⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠) ]


Jake was seated in the evaluation room. He was nervous about this, but he was recommended to get evaluated by his therapist for an Autism diagnosis

The physiologist smiles and begins the evaluation. She starts with some basic questions, asking Jake his name, age, and if he has any siblings.

"My name is Jake Webber, I'm 25 and I have two siblings named Jillian and Reggie." Jake says.

The psychiatrist then leans forward and looks Jake in the eyes. "Jake, have you ever felt disconnected from others or like you don't quite belong in this world?"

Jake shifted his gaze for a moment before he opened up. "Yeah.. I always felt like something was wrong with me. Since I was little.. I felt something was off, and like I had a hard time maintaining friends and stuff like that."

The psychiatrist nods and writes down what Jake says. She then asks him if he's ever had any difficulties with social interactions or with expressing emotions.

Jake openly answers all her questions. As he answered, he bounced his leg and kept looking around the room, and then locked his eyes with her.

The psychiatrist notices that Jake is bouncing his leg and looks up at him. She smiles reassuringly at him and continues asking questions.

She asks Jake if he's ever felt overwhelmed or stressed out by certain situations or if he has ever felt like he's on the outside looking in.

"Yeah, I don't really know how else to explain it. It's like I'm in a glass box looking out in the world. And like I just felt like I never fit in with anybody." Jake vents.

The psychiatrist nods and writes down everything Jake is saying. She then asks him if he's ever felt like he has a hard time understanding other people's emotions or feelings.

Jake nods, "Yeah.. I also noticed I hardly show, my tears or anything when someone is upset. Like I get jealous even when people express emotions because I hardly show them and when I do show them, they're super intense. I don't know how else to explain it. "

The psychiatrist takes a moment to think about Jake's answer before she speaks again. She then asks him if he has any problems with his attention span or if he finds it difficult to focus on certain tasks.

"Mhm, I was previously diagnosed with ADHD but like.. I don't really feel like I fit in with that, I don't know." Jake shakes his head.

The psychiatrist then hands Jake a test to take. It's a standard Autism Spectrum Disorder screening test that he'll need to complete. She gives him a few minutes to go through the test and fill it out.

Jake is filling out the test, tapping his foot as he does so. The more he answered the questions, the more it made sense...

After Jake finishes the test, the psychiatrist collects it from him and goes through it.

She marks the areas where he scored high and the areas where he scored low. She then sits back in her chair and looks at Jake with a thoughtful expression on her face.

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