☆Pranking Johnnie☆

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Request xxJakeWebber

[ Jake and Tara prank Johnnie saying that they broke up, and Johnnie believes it, hoping he's single and has a chance with Jake! :( but... There's a twist :3 ]


"Hey, Tara." Jake says, sitting next to her. "I have an idea what we can do." She looks over at him, raising an eyebrow. "What's that?"

Jake smiled as he looked at her. He leaned in close and whispered into her ear. "Let's prank Johnnie."

Her eyes widened and she giggled. "Oh, I love that idea! What should we do?"
"Shh." Jake silenced her with a short kiss before continuing to explain. "He's in the other room."

She put her finger over her mouth, making a "shh" gesture as she looked at him with a smirk. "What are we gonna do?"

Jake rolls his eyes, "Ok." He leaned in close and whispered into her ear. "We should do a break-up prank on him."

Tara grinned, her eyes lighting up with excitement. "Yes! I love that idea! We should totally do it! What do you want to say?"

"I'll do the talking-" Jake gets cut off when Johnnie enters the living room. "Hi guys."

The woman turns to face Johnnie, trying to hold back her laughter. "Hi Johnnie! How's it going?"

"Fine." Johnnie smiled a bit. Jake suddenly sighs. Johnnie shifted his gaze to him. "You okay?" He asked. Jake shakes his head. "Umm.. no."

Tara looked at Jake, trying to act concerned. "What's wrong? Is everything okay?"

"Should we tell him?" Jake looks at her, pretending to be sad. Johnnie furrowed his eyebrows. "Tell me what?"

Tara nods and then turns back to Johnnie "Well, I'm breaking up with Jake."

Johnnie looked shocked. Jake tries to keep a straight face, holding back a laugh. Then, Johnnie looked hopeful. "Oh.. really?" his voice piped up.

Tara nodded and tried to keep her composure as well, not wanting to burst out laughing "Yes, really."

Jake was about to wrap his arm around her but stopped himself. He tries to make it sound more convincing. "Yeah uh, me and Tara have been thinking... and we decided to split our own ways."

Tara smiled slightly, still trying to act sad. She looked over at Jake and gave him a subtle wink, silently telling him to keep it up.

Jake noticed in his peripheral vision. And continued, "Also, we've been kinda just been not like- uh-" he stammers a bit. "Not like uh, have been working out really.."

Johnnie felt his heart skip a beat. He was sad that Jake was upset about this. But he was happy because now he might have a chance....

Tara noticed Johnnie's reaction and had to suppress a laugh. But she couldn't help but find it amusing. She tried to sound sympathetic, but couldn't help but crack a smile.

Johnnie noticed her smile. "Are you happy that you broke up with Jake? I mean, I'm sorry for you guys. But if you guys are gonna stay friends."

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