☆Hand Touches☆

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[ Johnnie loves Jake's hands :O ]


Johnnie has been recently glancing at Jake's hand. Occasionally, watching how his punk best friend is texting with one hand and the other resting on his PJ plaid 'no-name' pant covered leg.

Jake was still texting, his hand moving at a fast pace as he tried to keep up with the conversation. He didn't notice Johnnie glancing at his hand, he was too focused on his phone.

Johnnie's eyes softened before his gaze looked away from his hand and up to Jake's side profile. Since he is seated next to him. "Who are you texting?" He piped up.

Jake's eyes darted over to Johnnie, slightly startled by the sudden question. He was about to answer but stopped when he saw the soft look in his eyes. He cleared his throat, putting his phone down. "Oh, just a friend. Why do you ask?"

"Oh, I- uh, didn't mean to pry." Johnnie laughed. A bit flustered as his eyes glanced back at Jake's hand. Looking closely at it, admiring the tattoos that traveled up the punk's arm.

Jake smiled at Johnnie, noticing the admiration in his eyes. He shifted slightly in his seat, putting his phone down completely and placing his hand on Johnnie's thigh. "It's fine, you weren't prying."

Johnnie felt his heart just got stabbed with excitement and butterflies hit his stomach. "Oh, okay?.."

Jake chuckled at Johnnie's reaction, his hand squeezing his thigh slightly.

He leaned closer to Johnnie, his face only a few inches away. "You okay? You seem... flustered."

Johnnie nods, "Mhm, I'm fine." He laughed this off and moved Jake's hand, if he didn't he would've died from being love-sick.

Jake frowned slightly, he was enjoying holding Johnnie's thigh, but his hand was removed.

"You sure?" He said, raising an eyebrow. He shifted closer again, leaning his head on Johnnie's shoulder.

Johnnie felt love-sick. He was used to Jake's silly ways of showing friendship and affection, such as this.

But, it really started to get to Johnnie's heart. And he ended up falling for Jake.

Jake's head was still resting on Johnnie's shoulder, he was completely unaware of the effect he was having on his best friend.

He sighed contently, wrapping his arm around Johnnie's shoulders and pulling him closer.

Johnnie glances at Jake's hands. He couldn't help it. He admired them. Even with the double jointness, the slight orange stain on his pointer and middle finger on his right hand from holding a cigarette, his black chipped nail polish, he just admired the little detailings of Jake's hands.

Jake noticed Johnnie glancing at his hands, he couldn't help but smirk a little bit. "What are you looking at?" He asked.

Johnnie jumped at the sound of Jake's voice. He blushed a bit. "Nothing dumbass."

Jake chuckled at Johnnie's response, he leaned over and kissed his cheek. "You sure you weren't admiring my hands?" He said, his voice went low and flirty.

Johnnie rolled his eyes, and tried to shove Jake away. He was used to the cheek kisses, it was just a way of Jake showing his affection for his friendship... least that's what Johnnie thinks.

Jake laughed, holding onto Johnnie and pulling him back towards him. "Oh come on, you know you like it." He said, a mischievous grin on his face.

"Like what?!" Johnnie tries to sound defensive and clueless.

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